摘要:This issue of tweets will introduce the intensive reading doctoral dissertation "Research on Pricing Decisions and Dynamic Coordin
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"Zhexue (96): Intensive reading of doctoral dissertation
"Research on pricing decision and dynamic coordination of competitive green supply chain considering fairness preference"
Research on dynamic coordination of competitive
green supply chain considering fairness concerns and goodwill (1)"
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This issue of tweets will introduce the intensive reading doctoral dissertation "Research on Pricing Decisions and Dynamic Coordination of Competitive Green Supply Chains Considering Fairness Preferences" from three aspects: Mind map, intensive reading content, and knowledge supplement. Research on dynamic coordination of competitive green supply chains considering fairness concerns and goodwill.
一、思维导图(Mind Maps)
二、精读内容(Intensive reading content
(1)问题描述与模型假设(Problem Description and Model Assumptions)
Consider a green supply chain consisting of a manufacturer and two retailers, where the manufacturer is the leader of the Stackelberg game and the retailers are followers. The manufacturer invests in green innovation by introducing new technologies and improving production processes; retailers guide consumers' environmental shopping preferences through various promotional measures, including green marketing, environmental discounts, and trade-in programs.
首先,假设6-1定义了制造商和零售商在时间 t的绿色创新和销售努力水平,以及他们的成本函数,其中制造商的单位生产成本被视为零。接着,假设6-2通过一个动态方程描述了产品绿色度随时间的自然衰减和技术创新的影响。假设6-3探讨了零售商销售努力和产品绿色度对品牌商誉的正向影响。假设6-4分析了绿色产品市场需求量如何受到零售价格、竞争对手价格和绿色商誉的影响。最后,假设6-5指出制造商和零售商在任何时刻都具有相同的贴现率。这些假设为研究绿色产品的市场行为提供了理论基础。
First, Hypothesis 6-1 defines the green innovation and sales effort levels of manufacturers and retailers at time tt, as well as their cost functions, where the unit production cost of manufacturers is considered to be zero. Next, Hypothesis 6-2 describes the natural decay of product greenness over time and the impact of technological innovation through a dynamic equation. Hypothesis 6-3 explores the positive impact of retailer sales efforts and product greenness on brand reputation. Hypothesis 6-4 analyzes how the market demand for green products is affected by retail prices, competitor prices, and green reputation. Finally, Hypothesis 6-5 states that manufacturers and retailers have the same discount rate at any time. These assumptions provide a theoretical basis for studying the market behavior of green products.
(2)模型建立与分析(Model building and analysis)
1.基准横型:无公平关切定价决策(Benchmark Horizontal Model: Pricing Decisions without Fairness Concerns)
Manufacturers and retailers are assumed to be fair and neutral, that is, they do not care about the profits and distribution of the supply chain and only take maximizing their own profits as their decision-making goal. The equilibrium results are as follows:
In the absence of fairness concerns, retailers increase sales costs and means to increase green product sales in order to gain more profits. The increase in consumer demand for green products will encourage manufacturers to strengthen green innovation, and retailers will also be more active in promoting green consumption concepts. Manufacturers' green innovation inputs and retailers' sales efforts are negatively correlated with the recession rate, cost coefficient, and discount rate.
The stable values of product greenness and green goodwill are positively correlated with consumer green preference, technological innovation impact coefficient, the impact coefficient of greenness on goodwill, the impact coefficient of sales effort on goodwill, and retailer competition intensity, and are negatively correlated with the recession rate, cost coefficient, and discount rate.
2.零售商公平关切时的定价决策(Retailers' pricing decisions when considering fairness)
Considering that manufacturers maintain fairness and neutrality, they do not consider the fairness of channel allocation, while retailers consider fairness when making decisions, that is, retailers not only focus on their own profits, but also strive to ensure that their efforts can maintain relative fairness in profits relative to manufacturers. The optimal equilibrium solution is as follows:
In the case of two retailers with fairness concerns, the market's requirements for green innovation increase as consumers' green preferences increase. Competition among retailers prompts them to attract consumers and improve their competitiveness through more environmentally friendly products. Green innovation input is negatively correlated with the cost coefficient, and positively correlated with the impact coefficient of technological innovation on greenness and the impact coefficient of greenness on goodwill. The sales effort level of retailers is affected by the fairness concern coefficient and the intensity of competition. When the fairness concern is high, the increase in competition intensity will reduce sales effort. Within a certain range of competition, the increase in consumer green preference will reduce sales effort, while the increase in the sales effort cost coefficient and the impact coefficient on goodwill will increase sales effort. Fairness concern behavior leads manufacturers to reduce green innovation input, which is not conducive to retailers to improve their sales efforts. The recession rate and discount rate also have a negative impact on both.
Consumer green preference, the coefficient of product greenness on goodwill, the coefficient of technological innovation on greenness, the coefficient of retailer sales effort on goodwill, and retailer competition intensity have positive effects on the stable value of product greenness. However, the retailer fairness concern coefficient, decay rate, cost coefficient, and discount rate have negative effects. Within a specific range of competition intensity, the coefficient of sales effort cost coefficient and sales effort level on green goodwill will positively or negatively affect the stable value of green goodwill depending on the intensity of competition. The stable value of green goodwill is also positively affected by technological innovation and the coefficient of greenness, and negatively affected by the fairness concern coefficient and the innovation cost coefficient.
三、知识补充(Knowledge supplement)
The impact of retailer competition intensity on green goodwill is a complex and dynamic process that can be understood from the following aspects:
1. The relationship between competition and green innovation: In highly competitive markets, retailers may increase their investment in green products to differentiate themselves from competitors and attract consumers. This competition can push retailers to improve the green attributes of their products, which may enhance green goodwill.
2. The impact of consumer preferences: If consumers are increasingly inclined to buy green products, competition among retailers may prompt them to pay more attention to the establishment and maintenance of green goodwill. In this case, increased competitive intensity may be associated with positive growth in green goodwill.
3. The role of fairness concerns: Retailers' fairness concerns may affect their investment in green goodwill. If retailers believe that it is important to treat the environment and consumers fairly, they may invest more in green innovation and goodwill building, even if this may increase costs in the short term.
4. The trade-off between costs and benefits: When considering green goodwill, retailers need to weigh the costs of green innovation and the potential benefits. In highly competitive markets, retailers may find that in order to remain competitive, they need to invest in green goodwill, even if this may increase costs.
5. Transmission of market signals: Retailers’ competitive behavior and establishment of green goodwill can send signals to consumers, indicating their commitment to environmental responsibility. The transmission of such signals can enhance consumers’ trust in the brand, thereby enhancing green goodwill.
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参考资料:谷歌、Chat GPT
参考文献:葛根哈斯. 考虑公平偏好的竞争型绿色供应链定价决策和动态协调研究[D]. 北京科技大学, 2023.