上一次英语逻辑思维写作课的老师,自然英语作文写作才能做到:观点新鲜 论据丰富 思想独特 有操作性 质量优秀上档次。以下学习英语写作是依据三方法之操作内容而写的。三方法:㈠英语逻辑思维写作的依据;㈡不靠模板靠逻辑写英语;㈢不能简单粗暴让学生“抄模板套范文”封锁学生写作英语思维之思想。
Online shopping, regarded as being entirely new, is extremely popular with people at recent-year time. Making a purchase of goods by online shopping, they are encouraged to acquire knowledge about computer foundation courses to do in the theory. This needs to be put into practice so much well that it will take them some time to try placing an order with an online shopper early time, with whom some online-shopping buyers do business successfully by an intelligent/smart mobile phone.
This helps them apply a bank for the issue of a credit card and download an online-shopping software, beginning with an online shopping by putting the user’s name and password that have be set in payment of proceeds. The above assists quite a few people in the online shopping which makes daily lives more attractive to them including the youth, middle-aged and advanced-age men and women.
The youth are interested in the online shopping which is beneficial to them for being at work efficiently and in life to live comfortably respectively. This brings them to save more time for doing all that is interesting to them, enabling a variety of goods to buy not in supermarket but at home or office. That is favorable to keeping them without some traffic fee to be paid accordingly. So do some middle-aged and advanced-age people enjoyed.
In doing online-shopping business as per an order unexpectedly, some buyers received such goods as they find poor in quality. These had to be returned to the online shopper with whom buyers in question negotiate the disputes which caused between shopper and buyer. unlike this, some buyers had to be at their cost or loss of the copying of goods on sale of online shopping. These problems are found to be dealt with effectively by official institutions i.e. the all-level Industrial & commercial administration authorities, whose action makes them respected by online-shopping buyers. This arises from the well-done institutions who are inspired to get liable for market regulation or supervision.
The goods-purchasing requirement is to meet through online-shopping market that improves in economically“friendly-environment”order. This increases in a greatly considerable number of people who would like to search information on goods in online shopping and take them finally.
So do some advanced-age men or women find solutions to their getting them out of difficulties in walking on road due to leg- or foot-health problem, for example, to go shopping in store.
Compared with this, some people are not interested in the online shopping that becomes poor in after-sales service. Another are rather weak at computer-related knowledge to turn their having no confidence in being online-shopping learners. This is set to remain under one of social problems that needs to solve with the help of the social organizations. That will be likely to bring online shopping either to come into use or go out of use within their rights in the coming days, in my view.
The above has me believe in online shopping, which both proves highly popular with most people at present or in future and depends on modern-science & -technology development or on changes of people’s lives. The growth in online-shopping is to achieve by holding the value in the commercial and/or scientific or industrial fields.
用“原因 +主题 + 结果(+措施)=英语安思维写作方法”之原理,教授学生写英语作文的道理是——英语是逻辑思维语言,不是模板语言,逻辑是英语写作推理的灵魂。真正的英语写作者是不需要模板范文的(如《中国日报》、《纽约时报》、英国《金融时报》之记者们写的文章从来都看不到如今网上“宣称”的海量“神”模板的文章),而需要的是英语逻辑思维法写英语文章。这样便增强了学生的独立思考意识和主观思考能动性。写作者便“有词儿写,有词儿知道怎么写”,达到意思不重复,英文语言表达有新鲜感,大考判卷老师对此有吸引力给高分数!
请考生记住:世界上不存在“模板”之说,因为一篇文章便是一个人的思维思想的体现。这源于“英语是逻辑思维语言,不是模板语言,思维是英语之灵魂”,比如上述提到的中国官方英语媒体《中国日报》(CHINA DAIL)的每一篇文章,都是各不相同的、国外媒体《金融时报》(FINANCIAL TIMES)及《纽约时报》(The New York Times)上的文章也都是不重样的。
“看上去很美”模板所写的英语作文确实少之又少的几乎没有显强者,写英语显强者靠的是逻辑思维法写英语,所以逻辑思维是不需要模板的。按模板写出成功的英语?别逗了,因此别被漂亮模板、神模板所惑诱,否则会给英语写作大打折扣,挡住了英语写作学习者们发散思维写英语的路。发散思维写英语之路追源溯流,即:英语是逻辑语言,逻辑是英语写作的灵魂。所以模板写英语岂能与逻辑写英语等同?这就要考生们努力遵循英语逻辑思维规则表达英语,就有特别重要的现实意义;决定考生们英语作文写得咋样的是:“不靠模板靠逻辑”写英语或许才是考生们通向英语写作的光明之路。写英语作文才能做到:观点新鲜 论据丰富 思想独特 有操作性 得高分,为此解决——英语老师咋会写会教英语逻辑思维作文,必须要避“会看=会写”误解——之问题。