
B站影视 2024-12-13 14:05 2

摘要:This issue will introduce the understanding and calculating the application example of the intensively read replica paper "Emergen









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Today, the editor brings the

"Yue Lan(86)—intensive reading replica paper

'Emergency decision-making method based on

multi-granularity probability language

and dual reference points

'Understanding and calculating

the application example (9)".

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一、内容摘要(Summary of Content)


This issue will introduce the understanding and calculating the application example of the intensively read replica paper "Emergency decision-making method based on multi-granularity probability language and dual reference points" in terms of mind maps, intensively read content, and knowledge supplementation.

二、思维导图(Mind mapping)

三、精读内容(Intensive reading content)


The payoff perception weighting function for the estimated probability in the case was calculated last week.

本文中当可行方案 Xj 时,面对情景 q 在关键风险因素 di 上预估概率的损失感知权重函数为:

In this paper, when the feasible scheme Xj, the loss perception weight function of the estimated probability on the key risk factor di for scenario q is:


It reflects the sensitivity of the emergency decision-making group to gains and losses in the perceived weight function, without losing generality.


The loss perception weighting function specifically refers to the fact that people tend to be more sensitive to losses than to equivalent gains in the decision-making process. In other words, the pain of losing is usually greater than the pleasure of gaining the same amount. This phenomenon is called "loss aversion".


In mathematical models, the loss perception weighting function is usually a function that performs a non-linear transformation of probabilities. It reflects the psychological weight that people place on possible gains or losses. This function is not based on actual monetary value, but on an individual's emotional response to the potential outcome.


The code for the loss perception weighting process for calculating the estimated probability in this case is as follows:

The running result is as follows:

四、知识补充(Knowledge supplement)

TOPSIS(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution,逼近理想解排序法)是一种常用的多准则决策分析方法,最早由 Hwang 和 Yoon 于1981年提出。它是一种基于几何距离的决策方法,用于从多个候选方案中选出最优或对方案进行排序。

TOPSIS is a commonly used multi-criteria decision analysis method, first proposed by Hwang and Yoon in 1981. It is a geometric distance-based decision-making method for selecting the best from multiple candidate solutions or ranking the solutions.

(一)核心思想(Core idea)

TOPSIS 的基本思想是:最优解应与理想解(最佳解)距离最小,同时与负理想解(最差解)距离最大。

The basic idea of TOPSIS is that the optimal solution should have the smallest distance from the ideal solution and the largest distance from the Negative ideal solution.

1. 理想解:每个准则下的最佳值,表示最优目标。

1. Ideal solution: The optimal value under each criterion represents the optimal goal.

2. 负理想解:每个准则下的最差值,表示最劣目标。

2. Negative ideal solution: The worst value under each criterion represents the worst target.


By comparing the geometric distances of the candidate schemes to the two solutions, the relative merits and demerits of the candidate schemes can be evaluated.

(二)TOPSIS 的步骤(The steps of TOPSIS)

1. 构造决策矩阵(Construct decision matrix)

With m alternatives and n evaluation indicators, a decision matrix is constructed:

2. 标准化矩阵(Normalized matrix)


Standardize the decision matrix to eliminate the impact of dimensions.

3. 构建加权标准化矩阵(Building a weighted normalized matrix)

引入权重 wj (各指标的重要性系数),计算加权值:

Introduce the weight wj (the importance coefficient of each indicator) and calculate the weighted value:

4. 确定理想解和负理想解(Determining ideal solutions and negative ideal solutions)

5. 计算距离(Calculate distance)


For each candidate scheme, calculate the Euclidean distance to the ideal solution and the negative ideal solution, respectively.

6. 计算相对贴近度(Calculate relative proximity)


Calculate the proximity of each scheme to the ideal solution.

7. 排序(Sort)

按照 Ci 的值由大到小对方案进行排序,选择最优方案。

The schemes are sorted according to the value of Ci from large to small, and the optimal scheme is selected.





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