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Today, the editor brings you an article "Liu's Dedication to Learning (4) Mastering the Core of Memory Operations: Pointers and Indirection"
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一、思维导图(Mind mapping)
In the world of programming, pointers and indirect addressing are indispensable parts of languages such as C and C++. They provide programmers with the ability to directly manipulate memory. Through pointers, we can dynamically allocate memory, create complex data structures (such as linked lists, trees, etc.), and optimize program performance. Indirect addressing allows us to access the data pointed to by these memory addresses. The combined use of these two concepts is crucial when writing efficient and flexible code.
三、指针变量的定义与初始化(Definition and initialization of pointer variables)
(1)定义指针变量(Definition of pointer variables)
When defining a pointer variable, it's necessary to specify the data type it points to. Even though all types of pointers may occupy the same number of bytes at the lower level, specifying the data type helps the compiler perform type checking and ensures the safety and readability of the code. The definition format is as follows:
Here, type is the data type you want the pointer to point to, and * indicates that this is a pointer. For example, if you want a pointer to an integer (int), you can write it like this:
(2)初始化指针变量(nitialization of pointer variables)
After definition, a pointer can be initialized to null (NULL) or to point to an existing variable. Using an uninitialized pointer can lead to unpredictable behavior, so it's always recommended to initialize pointers immediately after definition.
初始化为NULL(Initializing to NULL)
Initializing a pointer to NULL is a good practice, indicating that this pointer currently does not point to any valid memory address. This is a safe way to handle pointers, especially when you plan to dynamically allocate memory later.
指向已存在的变量( Pointing to an Existing Variable)
You can also let the pointer point to an already existing variable. By using the address-of Operator (&), you can obtain the memory address of the variable and assign it to the pointer.
At this point, p contains the memory address of a. You can access or modify the value of a through *p, which is called dereferencing the pointer.
四、间接寻址运算符(Indirection operator)
The indirect addressing operator * is used to dereference a pointer, i.e., to access the value at the memory location pointed to by the pointer. When you have a pointer to a certain data type, you can obtain the value pointed to by the pointer by adding * before the pointer.
(1)使用间接寻址运算符(Using the Indirect Addressing Operator)
Suppose we have a pointer p that points to an integer a. Then *p is the value of a.
You can also use the indirect addressing operator to change the value of the variable pointed to by the pointer:
The indirect addressing operator * has a high precedence, meaning it executes before most other operators. However, when dealing with complex expressions, parentheses can help clarify the intent. For example, if you have a pointer to a pointer (i.e., a double pointer), you can use double indirect addressing to access the innermost value:
Properly defining and initializing pointer variables, as well as correctly using the indirect addressing operator, are fundamental to understanding more complex concepts such as dynamic memory allocation, function parameter passing, etc. Properly managing and initializing pointers can prevent many common programming errors, such as null pointer exceptions and memory leaks. Mastering these skills will make you more adept in your programming journey. Remember to be extra careful when using pointers to ensure that your programs are both efficient and secure!
That's all for today's sharing.
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I wish you a happy day today!
参考文献:《C Primer Plus》, Stephen Prata.
《The C Programming Language》, Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie.
《C++ Primer》, Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo.
《Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs》, Scott Meyers.
《Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++》, Bjarne Stroustrup.