How did our beloved Bibliovore end up in a bunker this winter? Well, the truth is, that bunker has been Bibliovore birthplace, perhaps not physically, but spiritually.We need to go back as early as 2006 when Andi, a Chinese artist, decided to set up his workshop in an abandoned bunker. In 2012, he let Fred, an IT guy and good friend of Bibliovore, create Agora, a coworking space.Agora was a place open 24/7, with a self-service bar and kitchen, and community-driven (sounds familiar?), attracting geeks from all over the world. Agora closed in 2022, and Andi decided to create an art gallery instead. He kept the kitchen and a space for cozy meetups, as there were still one or two social events from the Agora era that were still alive, and Andi didn’t have the heart to end them.Bibliovore has known Agora since its creation and took a lot of inspiration from it when it opened in Xujiahui (self-service, 24-hour access, community-driven). It was therefore natural to go "back" to the bunker, and Andi let the little worm enter and settle down with the two words: "charity, kids." 为什么我们的Bibliovores宜山 2024年冬天会选择在一个地下展厅里安家呢?事实上,这个宜山路附近的地下展厅早已是Bibliovores的精神源头——或许并非物理意义上的,但确是它灵魂的诞生之地。时光倒回2006年,中国艺术家安迪(Andi)决定在一个废弃的防空洞里打造他的工作室。2012年, IT工程师Fred,同时也是我们Bibliovores的挚友,在这里创立了Agora联合办公空间。Agora全年无休,配有自助吧台和厨房,以社区驱动的模式运作(听起来是不是很熟悉?),吸引了来自世界各地的极客。2022年Agora关闭后,安迪将其改造为艺术画廊,却保留了当时的厨房和温馨的会客区——毕竟在这里,每周仍会举办一两场延续自Agora的社交活动,安迪实在不忍心斩断这些温暖的联结。Bibliovores徐家汇在创立之初就与Agora结缘,并从Agora倡导自助服务、24小时开放和社群共建的运营模式中汲取了大量灵感。自然而然地,Bibliovores选择回到它的灵感原乡。安迪欣然允许我们的小书虫带着 “公益服务”, “儿童关怀” 的使命进驻地下空间,让它在这方承载着岁月记忆的地下空间@里开启新篇章。摘要:How did our beloved Bibliovore end up in a bunker this winter? Well, the truth is, that bunker has been Bibliovore birthplace, per