摘要:“黄河和黄土高原是我的金矿。”当黄河中游乡村的年轻人涌向城市发展的时候,张旭峰选择回到家乡碛口,用色彩与线条记录他心中高贵的黄土高原和母亲河。更多《黄河·家乡》(The Yellow River Mosaic)系列内容,请点击 Most young adult
【永远的灵感】“黄河和黄土高原是我的金矿。”当黄河中游乡村的年轻人涌向城市发展的时候,张旭峰选择回到家乡碛口,用色彩与线条记录他心中高贵的黄土高原和母亲河。更多《黄河·家乡》(The Yellow River Mosaic)系列内容,请点击 Most young adults from the countryside along the middle reaches of the Yellow River have relocated to urban areas in search of better opportunities. Yet, one young man quit his city job and returned to his hometown, saying he can't live without being near the Yellow River.