
B站影视 欧美电影 2025-03-13 20:18 2

摘要:铝胁迫会导致微生物群落重构,如AnAOB丰度降低(如Candidatus Brocadia)、异养菌(如Denitratisoma)增殖,并伴随胞外聚合物(EPS)分泌模式改变‌24。




‌2厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥系统(Anammox granular sludge systems)‌


3‌脱氮性能(Nitrogen removal performance)‌


‌4微生物特性(Microbial characteristics)‌

铝胁迫会导致微生物群落重构,如AnAOB丰度降低(如Candidatus Brocadia)、异养菌(如Denitratisoma)增殖,并伴随胞外聚合物(EPS)分泌模式改变‌24。






Journal of Water Process Engineering Volume 71, March 2025, 107112

Effects of aluminum ions on anaerobic ammonium oxidation granular sludge systems: Performance, microbial characteristics and mechanisms

Jie Liu ,Minlong Li ,Zhiming Diao,Jiawan Guo,Yintong Liang ,Zhien Fang ,Feng Li,Guangwei Yu ,Yuhai Liang

厌氧氨氧化(Anammox)在低碳氮比、高氨氮废水处理中的广泛应用,以及在污水处理中由于铝盐混凝剂或除磷剂的大量使用对系统的影响。接下来,研究探讨了铝离子对脱氮性能和污泥特性的影响。不同浓度的铝离子有不同的效果:低浓度(5-20 mg/L)下脱氮性能增强,特别是20 mg/L时;超过30 mg/L时系统逐渐崩溃,30-100 mg/L时虽然Anammox菌丰度变化不大,但胶体层的形成导致性能下降;200 mg/L时菌群和基因数量显著减少,毒性抑制明显。结论是铝离子混凝剂的影响包括毒性抑制和质量传递障碍。

This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2023YFC3905803), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51708229), and the Basic and Applied Basic Research Project of Guangzhou (Grant No. 202102021147), and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2021A1515010904).

基于群体感应与群体淬灭的自养脱氮工艺稳定运行调控机制研究 51708229

申请代码: E1002 梁瑜海 华南农业大学 2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31 25.0(万元)

崔理华 教授 余光伟 讲师 徐梦劼 何梓灏


Autotrophic nitrogen removal process was an important part of sustainable wastewater treatment systems. But because of the low growth rate of autotrophic nitrogen removal bacteria, lead to the long startup time of process, and the recovery of sludge concentration was slow when it had lost in operation. At the same time, the growth of the nitrite oxidizing bacteria made the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen in effluent. And conventional measures cannot solve the problem very well which affected stable operation of process. Quorum sensing was a common communication mechanism exists between bacteria. Quorum sensing could regulate the gene expression to control the bacteria community behavior according to the population density. This project will adopt ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry to detect the quorum sensing signal molecules of autotrophic nitrogen removal reactor under different running condition. It could screen out the advantage signal molecules of aerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria, anaerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria, nitrite oxidizing bacteria and the signal molecules between bacterial species. And then by adding corresponding signal molecules to strengthen the advantages of quorum sensing, which could speed up the growth of aerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria and anaerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria. Through the addition of quorum quenching enzymes to inhibit the growth of nitrite oxidizing bacteria. Also using high-throughput pyrosequencing and fluorescence quantitative PCR technology to analysis the regularity of population dynamics under different conditions. Then this study will clarify the regulatory mechanism of quorum sensing and quorum quenching, and propose the control strategies of stable operation for autotrophic nitrogen removal process.


在自养脱氮工艺的实际工程中,主要存在如下问题:好氧氨氧化菌和厌氧氨氧化菌的生长速率较慢,使得启动时间较长,污泥流失后难以及时补充;短程硝化控制失当,使得亚硝酸盐氧化菌大量生长,出水硝酸盐氮积累。这些问题都严重影响自养脱氮工艺的高效稳定运行和广泛应用。群体感应是一种普遍存在于细菌细胞之间的通讯机制,它具有根据种群密度和周围环境变化调控基因表达,控制细菌群体行为的功能。而群体淬灭则是通过减弱或者干扰细菌的群体感应,阻止相应性状的表达,抑制相应微生物种群增长。这也为解决以上两个问题提供了新的思路,即通过强化群体感应或群感淬灭以加快好氧氨氧化菌和厌氧氨氧化菌的生长,抑制亚硝化盐氧化菌的生长。. 本项目以明晰群体感应及群体淬灭对自养脱氮的影响为目标,主要分为以下三部分研究内容:常规调控参数对自养脱氮的影响;群感淬灭对自养脱氮的影响;自养脱氮工艺优势群体信号分子的筛选。通过研究取得了如下成果:综述了群体感应在自养脱氮中的应用进展;成功启动和长期运行了短程硝化反应器,并明晰其微生物特征;明晰了不同类型不同水质自养脱氮反应器的微生物特征;明晰了不同氨氮浓度不同粒径厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥的脱氮性能及微生物特征;明晰群感淬灭对自养脱氮的影响;明晰自养脱氮工艺优势群体信号分子。其中添加广谱性淬灭酶后,短程硝化反应器的氨氮氧化率和亚硝化率都有下降。此外,过量淬灭酶的加入会改变厌氧氨氧化反应器的脱氮路径。因此,采用群感淬灭时,需要谨慎考虑污泥中各类微生物的数量占比。研究中初步确定了短程硝化的优势信号分子为C6-HSL,而厌氧氨氧化的优势信号分子为C14-HSL。以上这些成果可凝练出基于群体感应的自养脱氮调控机制,为自养脱氮工艺的长期稳定运行提供技术指导。

[V5]国家重点研发计划项目课题,沼液营养元素氮磷钾高值循环利用技术及装备, 2023YFC3905803,2023-2027

中科院成都生物研究所 生物质废弃物资源化利用创新团队













研究方向4:生物质定向转化制备化学品 代表论文

1. Keyun Liu,Siyuan Huang,Lu Zhang,Yingjie Xiong,Xiaoyan Wang,Yali Bao,Dong Li,Jiabao Li*. Efficient production of single cell protein from biogas slurry using screened alkali-salt-tolerant Debaryomyces hansenii. Bioresource Technology,2024,130119.

2.Dong Li#,Xianghui Meng#,Yong Sun,Xin Li,Xiaofeng Liu,Zhijie Xie,Qin Cao*. The microbial and functional reconstruction of instable syntrophic propionate-oxidizing methanogenesis by system recovering and injection modes changing. Chemical Engineering Journal,2023,455,140736

3.Ruxian Wang#,Dong Li#,Guoxiang Zheng,Zhenglei Cao,Fang Deng*. Co-production of water-soluble humic acid fertilizer and crude cellulose from rice straw via urea assisted artificial humification under room temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal,2023,455,140916

4.Yiping Luo,Dong Li,Ruiling Li,Zhen Li,Changwei Hu*,Xiaofeng Liu*. Roles of water and aluminum sulfate for selective dissolution and utilization of hemicellulose to develop sustainable corn stover-based biorefinery. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2020,122,109724.

5.Dong Li,Yi Ran,Lin Chen,Qin Cao,Zhidong Li,Xiaofeng Liu*. Instability diagnosis and syntrophic acetate oxidation during thermophilic digestion of vegetable waste. Water Research,2018,139:263-271.

