
B站影视 电影资讯 2025-03-10 07:00 2

摘要:吃亏和吃饭一个样,吃多了都会长大。[比心]Losing money is the same as eating. You will grow up if you eat too much.

1.吃亏和吃饭一个样,吃多了都会长大。[比心]Losing money is the same as eating. You will grow up if you eat too much.

2.允许一切事情的发生,然后做一个勇敢的人。[比心]Allow everything to happen and be a brave man.

3.每一份的通透,都是我拿真诚换来的。[比心]Every one of them is transparent, which I get with sincerity.

4.不是钱买不到快乐,而是你那点钱买不到快乐。[比心]It's not that money can't buy happiness, but that your little money can't buy happiness.

5.多做理解少做试探,这个世界没有真相只有视角。[比心]Do more understanding and less temptation. There is no truth in this world, only perspective.

6.认识的人越多,越喜欢狗。[比心]The more people you know, the more you like dogs.

7.潜意识在操纵你的人生,而你却称其为命运。[比心]The subconscious is manipulating your life, and you call it fate.

8.一颗好心,永远都比不上一张好嘴。[比心]A good heart is never as good as a good mouth.

9.浑身都是刺,别人才会照顾你的感受。[比心]Covered with thorns, others will take care of your feelings.

10.赚钱和爱自己永远是第一位。[比心]Making money and loving yourself are always the top priority.

11.打不开的心结就把它系成蝴蝶结吧。[比心]If you can't tie a knot, tie it into a bow.

12.不再因为谁而装扮成玫瑰。[比心]No longer dress up as roses because of someone.

13.生活给了我很多次选择,但我一次都没有选对。[比心]Life has given me many choices, but I have never made the right choice.

14.谎言听的多了,真诚也就烂了。[比心]If you hear too many lies, your sincerity will be rotten.

15.刨根问底的打听,绝对不会是关心。[比心]Inquiring into the bottom of the question is definitely not a concern.

16.三点不占一样,舍弃才是明智之举。[比心]If you don't occupy the same three points, it is wise to give up.

17.就算跌入谷底,也要有与人交换的筹码。[比心]Even if you hit rock bottom, you have to exchange chips with others.

18.回头看看,每一个细节都是答案。[比心]Looking back, every detail is the answer.


