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"Weekly Diary: Learning Mathematical Modeling (35)"

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Principles and Case Analysis of Markov Algorithms


1.Markov Chain Mathematical Definition and Core Concepts

马尔可夫链是一个随机过程 Xn,其中 Xn 表示在时间 n 的状态。它包含以下几个核心要素:

A Markov chain is a stochastic process Xn, where Xn represents the state at time n. It includes the following core elements:

状态空间 S:所有可能状态的集合,例如 S = {s1, s2, ..., sm}。

The state space S: the set of all possible states, for example, S = {s1, s2, ..., sm}.

初始状态概率分布 π0:在时间 n=0 时,系统处于各个状态的概率分布。

The initial state probability distribution π0: the probability distribution of the system being in each state at time n=0.

转移概率 P:状态之间的转移概率,通常表示为一个矩阵,其中 Pij = P(Xn+1 = sj | Xn = si) 是在时间 n 处于状态 si 的条件下,在时间 n+1 转移到状态 sj 的概率。

The transition probability P: the probability of transitioning between states, usually represented as a matrix, where Pij = P(Xn+1 = sj | Xn = si) is the probability of transitioning from state si at time n to state sj at time n+1.

2. 马尔可夫性质

2.Markov Property


P(Xn+1 = sj | Xn = si, Xn-1 = sin-1, ..., X0 = si0) = P(Xn+1 = sj | Xn = si)

The Markov property states that the probability distribution of future states depends only on the current state and not on the history of previous states. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

P(Xn+1 = sj | Xn = si, Xn-1 = sin-1, ..., X0 = si0) = P(Xn+1 = sj | Xn = si)

3. 状态的分类

3.State Classification


Absorbing states: Once the system enters this state, it will stay in it forever.


Transient states: The probability of the system staying in these states is zero.

周期性状态:系统只能在特定时间回到状态 i。

Periodic states: The system can only return to state i at specific times.

不可约状态:从任何状态 i 都可以到达任何状态 j。

Reducible states: It is possible to go from any state i to any state j.

4. 长期行为和平稳分布

4.Long-term Behavior and Stationary Distribution

马尔可夫链的长期行为可以通过其平稳分布来描述。如果存在一个概率分布 π,使得对于所有的 n: πP = π

The long-term behavior of a Markov chain can be described by its stationary distribution. If there exists a probability distribution π such that for all n:πP = π

则 π 是马尔可夫链的平稳分布。这意味着,如果系统在足够长的时间后达到平稳分布,那么未来状态的概率分布将不再随时间变化。

Then π is the stationary distribution of the Markov chain. This means that if the system reaches a stationary distribution after a sufficiently long time, the probability distribution of future states will no longer change over time.

5. 案例分析

5.Case Analysis


Case 1: Subway Congestion Coefficient Analysis


Requirements: Predict the subway congestion situation in the next hour, setting the subway congestion coefficient to three optional parameters (1, 2, 3).


Dependent conditions:

1. 根据上一个站的情况,统计并计算后一个站拥堵系数情况的状态发生概率,构成状态分布矩阵 S。

1. Based on the situation of the previous station, statistics and calculations of the congestion coefficient situation of the next station are made to form the state distribution matrix S.

2. 站台之间具有强关联性质,即路过了上一个站台那么下一个站台发生拥堵的可能性是具有一定的规律性的,有一定的概率可以统计得出。

2. There is a strong correlation between platforms, that is, the possibility of congestion at the next platform after passing the previous platform has a certain regularity, and a certain probability can be statistically derived.


Analysis: By constructing a Markov chain model, we can predict the congestion situation of future subway stations. This case demonstrates the practicality of Markov chains in dealing with problems with time series characteristics.


Case 2: Weather Forecasting Model


Applications: Using Markov chains to establish a weather forecasting model, only the most recent or current dynamic data is needed to predict the future according to transition probabilities, which can conveniently achieve the purpose of predicting weather changes.






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