使用 Python 在 PowerPoint 演示文稿中创建或提取表格

B站影视 2025-01-25 16:41 2

摘要:PowerPoint 中的表格是一种以结构化格式组织和呈现数据的方法,类似于 Excel 或 Word 等其他应用程序中表格的使用方式。它们提供了一种清晰简洁的方式来显示信息,使您的受众更容易消化和理解内容。

PowerPoint 中的表格是一种以结构化格式组织和呈现数据的方法,类似于 Excel 或 Word 等其他应用程序中表格的使用方式。它们提供了一种清晰简洁的方式来显示信息,使您的受众更容易消化和理解内容。

要使用 Python 在 PowerPoint 演示文稿中创建或提取表格,我们可以使用 Spire.Presentation for Python 库。

Spire.Presentation for Python 是一个功能丰富且用户友好的库,支持在 Python 应用程序中创建、读取、编辑和转换 PowerPoint 演示文稿。使用此库,您可以对 PowerPoint 演示文稿执行各种操作,包括添加文本或图像、插入形状、创建表格和图表、添加或删除幻灯片、隐藏或显示幻灯片、合并或拆分演示文稿、加密或解密演示文稿、添加水印、插入视频和音频、添加评论等等。此外,您还可以将 PowerPoint 演示文稿转换为各种文件格式,例如 PDF、图像、HTML、SVG、ODP、OFD 和 XPS。

您可以使用以下 pip 命令从 PyPI 安装适用于 Python 的 Spire.Presentation:

pip install Spire.Presentation

有关安装的更多详细信息,您可以查看此官方文档:如何在 VS Code 中为 Python 安装 Spire.Presentation。

可以使用 ISlide.Shapes.AppendTable 函数将表格添加到 PowerPoint 幻灯片中。添加表后,您可以使用 ITable[columnIndex, rowIndex] 用数据填充单元格。TextFrame.Text 属性。

下面是一个简单的示例,演示如何在 Python 中向 PowerPoint 幻灯片添加表格:

from spire.presentation.common import *from spire.presentation import *import math# Create a new PowerPoint presentationpresentation = Presentation# If you want to load an existing presentation, add this line# presentation.LoadFromFile("input_file_path")# Get the first slide in the presentationslide = presentation.Slides[0]# Define the widths of columns in the tablecolumn_widths = [110, 100, 150, 100]# Define the heights of rows in the tablerow_heights = [15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15]# Calculate the total width of the tabletotal_width = sum(column_widths)# Specify the x and y coordinates to add the tablex = math.trunc(presentation.SlideSize.Size.Width / float(2)) - (total_width / 2)y = 100# Add a table to the slidetable = slide.Shapes.AppendTable(x, y, column_widths, row_heights)# Define the data for the tabletable_data = [ ["Employee", "Department", "Job Title", "Salary"], ["John Doe", "Sales", "Sales Manager", "$85,000"], ["Jane Smith", "Marketing", "Marketing Coordinator", "$52,000"], ["Bob Johnson", "IT", "Software Engineer", "$95,000"], ["Emily Davis", "HR", "HR Specialist", "$62,000"], ["Michael Wilson", "Finance", "Financial Analyst", "$78,000"], ["Sarah Lee", "Operations", "Operations Manager", "$90,000"], ["David Kim", "R&D", "Research Scientist", "$85,000"], ["Olivia Chen", "Marketing", "Marketing Specialist", "$58,000"], ["Tom Nguyen", "IT", "IT Support Technician", "$48,000"], ["Samantha Brown", "HR", "Recruitment Coordinator", "$55,000"]]# Populate the table with the datafor i, row in enumerate(table_data): for j, cell_value in enumerate(row): table[j, i].TextFrame.Text = cell_value # Set the font and font size for the text in each cell table[j,i].TextFrame.Paragraphs[0].TextRanges[0].LatinFont = TextFont("Arial") table[j,i].TextFrame.Paragraphs[0].TextRanges[0].FontHeight = 12 # Center the text in each cell table[j, i].TextFrame.Paragraphs[0].Alignment = TextAlignmentType.Center # Apply a built-in table style to the tabletable.StylePreset = TableStylePreset.LightStyle3Accent5# Save the PowerPoint presentation to a filepresentation.SaveToFile("CreateTable.pptx", FileFormat.Pptx2010)presentation.Dispose

使用 Python 在 PowerPoint 幻灯片中插入表格

PowerPoint 幻灯片中的表格由 ITable 对象表示。因此,要提取表,您首先需要找到 ITable 类型的形状,然后遍历表中的单元格并使用 Cell.TextFrame.Text 属性获取单元格的数据。

下面是一个简单的示例,演示如何使用 Python 从 PowerPoint 演示文稿中提取表:

from spire.presentation.common import *from spire.presentation import *# Initialize an instance of the Presentation classpresentation = Presentation# Load a PowerPoint presentation containing tablespresentation.LoadFromFile("CreateTable.pptx")# Create a list to store the extracted table datatable_data = # Traverse through the slides in the presentationfor slide in presentation.Slides: # Traverse through the shapes on each slide for shape in slide.Shapes: # Check if the current shape is a table if isinstance(shape, ITable): table = shape # Get the data of the cells in the table and append them to the list table_data.extend([" | ".join(cell.TextFrame.Text.strip for cell in row) for row in table.TableRows]) table_data.append("")# Write the table data to a text filewith open("table.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write("\n".join(table_data))presentation.Dispose

