摘要:order cost: including purchase order processing, transportation, inspection and other costs.
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Xiao Gao shares (65) Inventory management in logistics
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First, the classification of inventory
1. 原材料库存:企业为保障生产顺利进行而储备的原材料。
1. Raw material inventory: the raw materials stored by enterprises to ensure the smooth progress of production.
2. 在制品库存:生产过程中尚未完工的产品。
2. Work-in-process inventory: products that have not been completed in the production process.
3. 成品库存:已完成生产,等待销售的产品。
3. Finished product inventory: products that have been completed and are waiting to be sold.
Second, inventory related costs
1. 订货成本:包括采购订单处理、运输、检验等费用。
1. order cost: including purchase order processing, transportation, inspection and other costs.
2. 储存成本:仓库租金、设备折旧、保险、损耗等费用。
2. Storage costs: warehouse rent, equipment depreciation, insurance, wear and tear and other expenses.
3. 缺货成本:因库存不足导致的生产停滞、订单丢失等损失。
3. Out-of-stock cost: production stagnation, order loss and other losses caused by insufficient inventory.
4. 过期成本:库存物品过期、变质造成的损失。
4. Expiration cost: loss caused by the expiration and deterioration of inventory items.
5. 企业要在降低库存成本与保障生产、销售顺利进行之间找到平衡点。
5. Enterprises should find a balance between reducing inventory costs and ensuring smooth production and sales.
Third, the best order quantity
The best order quantity refers to the order quantity determined by the enterprise in order to achieve the lowest inventory cost in a certain period of time. The following factors are considered in determining the optimal order size:
1. 订货成本:批量越大,单位商品分摊的订货成本越低。
1. order cost: The larger the batch, the lower the order cost per unit of goods.
2. 储存成本:批量越大,储存成本越高。
2. Storage cost: The larger the batch, the higher the storage cost.
3. 需求量:预测一定时期内的需求量,合理确定订货批量。
3. Demand: Predict the demand in a certain period of time, and reasonably determine the order quantity.
With tools such as the Economic Lot Size Model (EOQ), businesses can calculate the optimal order size and reduce inventory costs.
Fourth, order cycle
The lead time refers to the time it takes for a business to receive the goods from the time an order is placed. Reasonable determination of the order cycle can help optimize inventory management, and the following factors should be considered:
1. 需求速度:需求速度越快,订货周期应越短。
1. Demand speed: The faster the demand speed, the shorter the order cycle.
2. 供应商响应速度:供应商响应速度越快,订货周期可适当缩短。
2. Supplier response speed: the faster the supplier response speed, the order cycle can be appropriately shortened.
3. 库存水平:库存水平较低时,应及时订货。
3. Inventory level: When the inventory level is low, order in time.
Fifth, inventory flow
Inventory flow refers to the flow process of inventory items in the enterprise and Supply chain. Optimizing inventory flow can increase inventory turnover and reduce inventory cost. The following measures are for reference:
1. 精益生产:减少在制品库存,提高生产效率。
1. Lean production: reduce work-in-process inventory and improve production efficiency.
2. 拉动式生产:根据市场需求,合理安排生产计划,降低成品库存。
2. Pull production: According to market demand, reasonable arrangement of production plan, reduce finished product inventory.
3. 供应链协同:与供应商、分销商建立紧密合作关系,实现信息共享,降低库存水平。
3. Supply chain collaboration: Establish close cooperation with suppliers and distributors to achieve information sharing and reduce inventory levels.
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