
B站影视 2025-01-13 15:52 3

摘要:好啦,以上就是本期的全部内容啦!如果感觉有帮助到你,不妨点点赞和在看吧!早安,我爱这个世界。参考文献[1] healthline.How a Hot Bath May Do More Than Keep You Clean[EB/OL].(2024-10-04

原创 葡萄 第十一诊室好啦,以上就是本期的全部内容啦!如果感觉有帮助到你,不妨点点赞和在看吧!早安,我爱这个世界。参考文献[1] healthline.How a Hot Bath May Do More Than Keep You Clean[EB/OL].(2024-10-04)[2025-01-13].https://www.healthline.com/health/chronic-pain/hot-bath-benefits-sento-furo-japanese-bathing[2] Cullen T, Clarke N D, Hill M, et al. The health benefits of passive heating and aerobic exercise: To what extent do the mechanisms overlap?[J]. Journal of Applied Physiology, 2020, 129(6): 1304-1309.[3] Katsuyama H, Hakoshima M, Adachi H, et al. Habitual hot-tub bathing and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study[J]. Cardiology Research, 2022, 13(3): 144.[4] 鵜飼友彦. Habitual tub bathing and risks of incident coronary heart disease and stroke[D]. 大阪大学, 2021.[5] 科普中国.洗澡搓下来的“泥”越多,洗的越干净?你可能一直都做错了![EB/OL].(2024-01-16)[2025-01-13].https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Wm6rK3nJPMGCbosaSyvSpg[6] FeelBetter感觉好多了.冬天脱光光做这件事,好处太多了[EB/OL].(2023-12-26)[2025-01-13].https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GAKDZfcdXeTIqax_jJhvPQ

