
B站影视 2025-01-10 17:01 6

摘要:This issue of tweets will introduce the intensive reading doctoral dissertation "Research on Pricing Decisions and Dynamic Coordin










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"Zhexue (99): Intensive reading of doctoral dissertation

"Research on pricing decision and dynamic coordination of competitive green supply chain considering fairness preference"

Research on dynamic coordination of competitive

green supply chain considering fairness concerns and goodwill (2)"

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This issue of tweets will introduce the intensive reading doctoral dissertation "Research on Pricing Decisions and Dynamic Coordination of Competitive Green Supply Chains Considering Fairness Preferences" from three aspects: mind map, intensive reading content, and knowledge supplement. Research on dynamic coordination of competitive green supply chains considering fairness concerns and goodwill.

一、思维导图(Mind Maps)

二、精读内容(Intensive reading content

(1)公平关切框架下的供应链动态协调(Dynamic coordination of supply chains under the framework of fairness concerns)

1.集中式决策(Centralized decision making)


The paper first defines the decision objective function of maximizing the overall profit of the supply chain. Then, Proposition 6-4 proposes the equilibrium strategy of the manufacturer's green innovation input level, the retailer's sales effort level and the retail price in a centralized decision-making environment with retailer competition. Proposition 6-5 describes the optimal change trajectory of product greenness and goodwill, and gives the corresponding mathematical expression.


Under the centralized decision-making model, the green innovation and sales efforts of the supply chain are positively affected by consumer preferences, technological innovation, product greenness and competition intensity, and negatively affected by the decline rate, cost and discount rate. When retailers consider fairness concerns, these motivations may decline. The study provides an optimal long-term profit function, providing theoretical support for supply chain management decisions.

2.双向成本分担契约下的决策(Decision-making under a two-way cost-sharing contract)


Centralized decision-making can improve green supply chain innovation and sales, but in reality, the independence of enterprises makes it difficult to implement. Through a two-way cost-sharing contract, manufacturers and retailers share costs, promote cooperation, and achieve supply chain coordination.


In model S, the proportion of sales costs shared by manufacturers with retailers is positively correlated with the level of competition among retailers and negatively correlated with the degree of fairness concern; the proportion of green innovation costs shared by retailers with manufacturers is negatively correlated with the level of competition and positively correlated with the degree of fairness concern. Retailers' high concern for fairness reduces manufacturers' willingness to share sales costs, but increases their willingness to share green innovation costs, because fairness concerns lead to the loss of manufacturers' interests, and retailers are willing to bear more costs to appease manufacturers. Fierce competition among retailers reduces their willingness to share green innovation costs, while manufacturers may bear more sales costs for supply chain stability.


Corollary 6-10 indicates that the green innovation costs shared by retailers should be moderate to maintain the advantages of the two-way cost sharing contract. Retailers’ sales efforts are jointly affected by their competitive intensity, the manufacturer’s share ratio, and the level of fairness concern. Manufacturers need to comprehensively consider the actual situation of retailers and formulate a reasonable share ratio to ensure the effectiveness and feasibility of the contract.


Finally, the optimal trajectory of product greenness and goodwill, the long-term profit function of manufacturers and supply chains, and the long-term fair utility function of retailers are obtained.

(2)算例分析(Case Analysis)



Compared with the centralized decision-making model C, the green innovation input of manufacturers, the sales efforts of retailers, the greenness of products, the green goodwill and the profits of the supply chain in models N, F and S all decreased. The wholesale prices of models F and S were slightly lower than those of model N. The fairness concerns of retailers are not conducive to the development of green products, but through the two-way cost-sharing contract, green innovation and sales efforts can be improved, the attraction of green consumers can be increased, and sales and markets can be increased, thereby increasing the profits of manufacturers, retailers and supply chains, which has a positive impact on the green economy.

2.产品绿色度和商誉轨迹分析(Analysis of product greenness and goodwill trajectory)


The greenness of products increases over time and eventually stabilizes. When retailers have fairness concerns, the greenness of products is the lowest; under a two-way cost-sharing contract, the greenness of products is the highest; and under a fair and neutral situation, the product is in the middle. This shows that retailers' fairness concerns may reduce the greenness of products, while appropriate contracts can improve greenness and promote the sustainability of green markets and supply chains.


Green goodwill tends to be stable over time, but the steady-state values under different decisions vary significantly. Green goodwill is lower under the fairness concern scenario, while the two-way cost-sharing contract can significantly improve green goodwill. Green goodwill is affected by many factors, including sales efforts, green innovation investment, and decay rate. Retailers' fairness tendency may reduce the green attributes of products and be detrimental to the development of the green market. However, two-way cost-sharing contracts can help avoid market losses, promote green economic development, and emphasize the importance of supply chain cooperation.

3.制造商和零售商利润轨迹分析(Analysis of profit trajectories of manufacturers and retailers)


Manufacturer profits tend to be stable over time, but are lower in the fairness concern scenario and highest under the two-way cost-sharing contract, indicating that retailers’ fairness concerns may reduce manufacturer profits, while two-way cost-sharing contracts can significantly increase profits.


The retailer's profit growth is smaller in the fairness concern scenario, while profits increase significantly over time in the two-way cost-sharing contract and fairness neutrality scenarios. Although the two-way cost-sharing contract has a small impact on the retailer's profit increase, when the time exceeds 2.5, retailers who pay attention to fairness issues can obtain higher profits.


Two-way cost-sharing contracts significantly improve manufacturer performance, but may affect the enthusiasm of fairness-concerned retailers. Therefore, manufacturers and retailers need to negotiate a reasonable sharing ratio to achieve win-win cooperation and promote the development of a green supply chain.

4.灵敏度分析(Sensitivity analysis)


In the context of green economy, two-way cost-sharing contracts significantly improve the total profits of manufacturers and supply chains and enhance the sensitivity to consumers' green preferences. Although the increase in retailers’ profits is small, fairness-concerned behaviors have a significant impact on the supply chain, which may reduce utility in the early stages but can be improved in the long term through cooperation with manufacturers. Manufacturers need to balance retailers' fairness concerns with profit maximization, reasonably share costs and avoid losses, which provides a theoretical basis for green supply chain pricing decisions.

The impact of green preference on consumer purchasing behavior is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. 提升购买意愿:消费者对环保和可持续发展的关注增加,使得他们更倾向于购买绿色产品。

1. Increased willingness to buy: Consumers' increased attention to environmental protection and sustainable development makes them more inclined to buy green products.

2. 知识影响:消费者的绿色知识,包括环境知识、可持续发展知识、产品知识和生态标签知识,能够提高他们对绿色产品的认知,从而促进购买意愿。

2. Knowledge impact: Consumers' green knowledge, including environmental knowledge, sustainable development knowledge, product knowledge and eco-label knowledge, can improve their understanding of green products, thereby promoting purchasing intention.

3. 资源稀缺性:资源稀缺可能会降低消费者对绿色产品的购买意愿,因为这类消费者在购买决策时可能更关注价格和基本需求。

3. Resource scarcity: Resource scarcity may reduce consumers' willingness to buy green products because such consumers may pay more attention to price and basic needs when making purchasing decisions.

4. 经济流动性:感知经济流动性可以缓解资源稀缺带来的心理威胁,提高消费者对绿色产品的购买信心。

4. Economic liquidity: Perceived economic liquidity can alleviate the psychological threat brought by resource scarcity and increase consumers' confidence in buying green products.

5. 供应链利润:消费者的绿色偏好能够增强供应链系统中绿色投资的效益,从而提升整个供应链的利润。

5. Supply chain profit: Consumers' green preference can enhance the benefits of green investment in the supply chain system, thereby increasing the profit of the entire supply chain.





That's all for today's sharing.

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I wish you a nice day!


参考资料:谷歌、Chat GPT

参考文献:葛根哈斯. 考虑公平偏好的竞争型绿色供应链定价决策和动态协调研究[D]. 北京科技大学, 2023.


