
B站影视 2025-01-10 07:34 2





患有巨大顶叶脑膜瘤的患者通常会表现出各种各样的症状。对总共 [X] 例患者的研究显示,其年龄跨度从 [最小年龄] 至 [最大年龄],平均年龄为([平均年龄数值] ± [标准差数值])岁,他们出现的症状包括头痛([X3] 例)、呕吐([X4] 例)、肢体无力([X5] 例)、感觉异常([X6] 例)以及癫痫发作([X7] 例)。这些表现不仅扰乱了日常生活,还对手术决策过程起到了指导作用。

CT 扫描
头颅 CT 检查在初步评估中起着关键作用。它在检测肿瘤钙化方面表现出色,能为手术提供有关骨骼解剖结构以及潜在挑战的宝贵信息。例如,钙化区域的可视化可能会影响手术入路的选择,因为这可能表明肿瘤粘连增加或组织密度改变的区域。MRI 扫描
MRI 凭借其多序列成像能力,提供了更全面的视角。在 T1 加权像(T1WI)序列中,肿瘤通常表现为等信号或稍低信号,而在 T2 加权像(T2WI)序列中,则呈现等信号或稍高信号特征。注射造影剂后,常可观察到特征性的 “脑膜尾征”,以及肿瘤肿块的均匀强化。这些详细的解剖信息对于精确的手术规划不可或缺,使外科医生能够预判肿瘤与周围脑结构和血管的关系。体位与切口

患者的长期预后与肿瘤切除程度密切相关。根据辛普森切除分级系统,[X8] 例患者达到 Ⅰ 级切除(完全切除肿瘤,包括受累的硬脑膜和颅骨),[X9] 例患者为 Ⅱ 级切除(完全切除肿瘤并电凝附着的硬脑膜),[X10] 例患者为 Ⅲ 级切除(完全切除肿瘤,但硬脑膜未处理或部分处理),[X11] 例患者为 Ⅳ 级切除(仅部分切除肿瘤)。总体切除率(Ⅰ - Ⅲ 级切除率之和)为 [总体切除率数值]%。随访时间为 3 个月至 3 年,平均为([平均随访时间数值] ± [标准差数值])年,包括定期门诊就诊和电话咨询。在此期间,许多患者的症状有所改善,[X17] 例患者报告头痛和呕吐症状缓解,[X18] 例患者肢体功能和感觉恢复增强,[X19] 例患者癫痫发作得到更好控制。然而,[X20] 例患者出现肿瘤复发,复发时间范围为 [复发时间范围]。复发病例通过再次手术([X201] 例)或放疗等保守治疗([X202] 例)进行管理。

囊性脑膜瘤虽然不太常见,但存在独特的诊断困难。其影像学表现,尤其是在 CT 扫描上,可能具有误导性。例如,一位 80 岁左撇子男性患者,出现反复局灶性运动性癫痫发作并继发全身性发作,头颅对比增强 CT 显示左侧顶枕叶有一个大的囊性肿块。最初,其外观提示可能为恶性肿瘤,凸显了误诊的可能性。然而,进一步的钆增强 MRI 检查提供了更准确的图像,精确地勾勒出了肿瘤的实性和囊性成分。这个病例说明了多模态成像在得出正确的初步诊断方面的重要性。

MRI 凭借其卓越的软组织对比度,是囊性脑膜瘤诊断的基石。它能够区分肿瘤的囊性和实性部分,从而更准确地评估肿瘤的大小、位置及其与周围结构的关系。这些详细的影像学信息不仅对诊断至关重要,对于手术规划也同样关键,因为它有助于外科医生预估切除手术的复杂性。


术后组织病理学检查是必不可少的。在上述病例中,肿瘤最终被确诊为良性的世界卫生组织(WHO)Ⅰ 级纤维母细胞型脑膜瘤。这一确诊结果不仅验证了诊断,还为未来的管理决策提供了指导,包括是否需要进一步监测或辅助治疗。

巨大顶叶脑膜瘤和囊性脑膜瘤都在很大程度上依赖 CT 和 MRI 的组合来实现准确诊断。识别脑膜瘤的特征性迹象(如 “脑膜尾征”)以及精确勾勒囊性脑膜瘤的囊性成分的重要性怎么强调都不为过。这些影像学特征构成了制定适当手术策略的基础。





Abstract: This comprehensive study delves into the diagnosis and treatment of meningiomas, with a particular focus on giant parietal lobe meningiomas and cystic meningiomas. By meticulously analyzing clinical data, imaging characteristics, surgical techniques, perioperative management, and prognostic factors, it aims to provide a detailed understanding of the current state of knowledge and identify areas for improvement. The results highlight the importance of accurate diagnosis, precise surgical intervention, and effective perioperative care in enhancing patient outcomes. Additionally, a comparison between different types of meningiomas reveals common challenges and opportunities for advancing the field of neurosurgical oncology.

Keywords: Giant parietal lobe meningioma; Cystic meningioma; Diagnosis; Treatment; Prognosis

Meningiomas, predominantly originating from arachnoid cap cells, constitute a significant portion of intracranial tumors, with the majority being benign. However, their location and characteristics can pose formidable challenges to neurosurgeons. The parietal lobe, a hub of crucial neurological functions, becomes a complex surgical terrain when afflicted by large meningiomas. Simultaneously, cystic meningiomas present their own set of diagnostic and management dilemmas due to the variable appearance of their cystic and solid components. In recent years, technological advancements have revolutionized the approach to these tumors, yet there remains a need for in-depth exploration to optimize patient care.

Patients with giant parietal lobe meningiomas often exhibit a diverse array of symptoms. A total of [X] patients studied, with ages spanning from [Minimum Age] to [Maximum Age] and an average age of ([Average Age Value] ± [Standard Deviation Value]) years, presented with symptoms such as headache ([X3] cases), vomiting ([X4] cases), limb weakness ([X5] cases), sensory abnormalities ([X6] cases), and epileptic seizures ([X7] cases). These manifestations not only disrupt daily life but also guide the surgical decision-making process.

CT Scans

Head CT examinations play a pivotal role in the initial evaluation. They excel in detecting tumor calcifications, providing valuable insights into the bony anatomy and potential challenges during surgery. For instance, the visualization of calcified regions can influence the choice of surgical approach, as it may indicate areas of increased tumor adherence or altered tissue density.

MRI Scans

MRI, with its multi-sequence capabilities, offers a more comprehensive view. In the T1WI sequence, the tumor typically appears iso- or slightly hypointense, while in T2WI, it shows iso- or slightly hyperintense characteristics. After contrast administration, the characteristic "dural tail sign" is often observed, along with homogeneous enhancement of the tumor mass. This detailed anatomical information is indispensable for precise surgical planning, allowing surgeons to anticipate the tumor's relationship with surrounding brain structures and blood vessels.

Positioning and Incision

The choice of patient position, whether supine or lateral, is meticulously determined based on the tumor's location. Head fixation with a head frame ensures stability and optimal exposure of the surgical field. Incisions, such as the commonly employed horseshoe-shaped or question mark-shaped designs, are strategically placed to minimize damage to functional areas and provide the shortest access route to the tumor. During scalp flap elevation, meticulous attention is paid to preserving the blood supply to ensure the viability of the tissue throughout the procedure.


A milling cutter is utilized to create a bone flap of appropriate size. This demands a delicate balance, as the window must be large enough to fully expose the tumor border, yet small enough to avoid inadvertent damage to critical structures like the dura mater and the sagittal sinus. In cases where the tumor abuts the sagittal sinus, microscopic dissection is employed to carefully separate the tumor from the sinus wall. Temporary control of the sinus blood flow may be necessary in some instances, but strict time limits are adhered to in order to prevent venous congestion and its associated complications.

Tumor Resection

Under the microscope, surgeons employ a combination of sharp and blunt dissection techniques to separate the tumor from the surrounding normal brain tissue. Identifying the correct plane of dissection, often along the arachnoid space, is crucial to prevent excessive tissue damage. Feeding arteries, which are typically derived from branches of the internal carotid artery and middle cerebral artery, are identified and coagulated early in the procedure to minimize intraoperative bleeding. When faced with a firm tumor texture, an ultrasonic aspirator (CUSA) can be employed to perform piecemeal resection, reducing the need for excessive traction on the brain. Throughout the resection, neuronavigation is used to continuously verify the surgical position, and intraoperative electrophysiological monitoring safeguards the integrity of functional area cortices and conduction tracts. Any abnormal changes in the monitored signals prompt immediate surgical adjustments.

Dural and Skull Reconstruction

Following tumor removal, the dura mater is meticulously sutured. In cases of significant dural defects, artificial dura mater or autologous fascia grafts are used to prevent cerebrospinal fluid leakage. The bone flap is then repositioned and fixed. If part of the skull has been removed due to tumor invasion or surgical necessity, a subsequent skull reconstruction procedure is scheduled to restore the cranial integrity, which is not only aesthetically important but also crucial for protecting the brain.

Preoperative Preparation

A comprehensive preoperative workup includes a battery of tests to evaluate the patient's overall health, including cardiac, pulmonary, hepatic, and renal functions. Any existing water and electrolyte imbalances are corrected to optimize the patient's physiological state for surgery. For patients with a history of epileptic seizures, appropriate anti-epileptic medications are initiated preoperatively to reduce the risk of seizure activity during and after the procedure. Additionally, detailed discussions with the patient and their family regarding the surgical risks, expected outcomes, and potential complications are essential to obtain informed consent and psychological preparedness.

Postoperative Monitoring

Immediate transfer to the neurosurgical intensive care unit (NICU) is standard practice. Here, continuous monitoring of vital signs, including heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and oxygen saturation, is complemented by close observation of the patient's consciousness and pupil responses. These measures are crucial for the early detection of life-threatening complications such as intracranial hemorrhage and brain herniation. Intracranial pressure monitoring is also implemented, and when necessary, dehydration and intracranial pressure-lowering therapies are promptly initiated.

Complication ManagementEpilepsy: Postoperative epilepsy is a common concern. Prophylactic anti-epileptic drugs are routinely administered, and in the event of a seizure, a rapid adjustment of drug dosage and type is made to regain control. Close monitoring of seizure frequency and severity helps in tailoring the treatment regimen.Intracranial Infection: Stringent adherence to sterile techniques during surgery is the first line of defense. Postoperatively, appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis is instituted, and any signs of infection, such as fever, headache, or altered mental status, trigger a prompt investigation. Lumbar puncture is often performed to confirm the diagnosis, followed by targeted antibiotic therapy.Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak: Maintaining the integrity of the surgical incision and dressing is of utmost importance. If a cerebrospinal fluid leak is detected, immediate measures such as elevating the head of the bed and applying local pressure dressing are implemented. In more severe cases, surgical re-exploration and dural repair may be necessary.Neurological Dysfunction: Early initiation of rehabilitation programs, including physical therapy for limb weakness and cognitive training for patients with associated deficits, is vital. These interventions aim to maximize the potential for neurological recovery and improve the patient's quality of life.

The long-term outcome of patients is closely related to the extent of tumor resection. According to the Simpson resection grading system, [X8] patients achieved Grade I resection (complete removal of the tumor, including involved dura mater and skull), [X9] had Grade II resection (complete removal with coagulation of the attached dura mater), [X10] had Grade III resection (complete removal, but with untreated or partially treated dura mater), and [X11] had Grade IV resection (partial removal only). The overall resection rate, combining Grades I-III, was [Total Resection Rate Value]%. Follow-up, which spanned from 3 months to 3 years with an average of ([Average Follow-up Time Value] ± [Standard Deviation Value]) years, involved regular outpatient visits and telephone consultations. During this period, symptoms improved in many patients, with [X17] reporting relief from headache and vomiting, [X18] showing enhanced limb function and sensory recovery, and [X19] having better-controlled epileptic seizures. However, [X20] patients experienced tumor recurrence, with the recurrence time ranging from [Recurrence Time Range]. Recurrent cases were managed either with repeat surgery ([X201] cases) or conservative treatments like radiotherapy ([X202] cases).

Cystic meningiomas, though less common, present unique diagnostic difficulties. The radiological appearance, especially on CT scans, can be misleading. As seen in the case of an 80-year-old left-handed man with recurrent focal motor seizures and secondary generalization, a contrast CT of the brain revealed a large left-sided parieto-occipital cystic mass. Initially, the appearance suggested a malignant tumor, highlighting the potential for misdiagnosis. However, further investigation with gadolinium-enhanced MRI provided a more accurate picture, precisely delineating the solid and cystic components. This case exemplifies the importance of multimodal imaging in arriving at a correct provisional diagnosis.

MRI, with its superior soft tissue contrast, is the cornerstone of cystic meningioma diagnosis. It can distinguish between the cystic and solid portions of the tumor, allowing for a more accurate assessment of its size, location, and relationship to surrounding structures. This detailed imaging information is crucial not only for diagnosis but also for surgical planning, as it helps surgeons anticipate the complexity of the resection.

The surgical approach for cystic meningiomas shares similarities with that of giant parietal lobe meningiomas. Precise tumor excision, while preserving neurological function, remains the primary goal. However, the presence of cysts adds an extra layer of complexity. Surgeons must carefully manage the cystic fluid to prevent spillage, which could potentially lead to postoperative complications such as chemical meningitis. Additionally, the cyst wall, depending on its histological nature, may need to be resected in part or in full to ensure complete tumor removal.

D. Histopathological Confirmation

Postoperative histopathological examination is non-negotiable. In the aforementioned case, the tumor was ultimately confirmed to be a benign WHO Grade I fibroblastic meningioma. This confirmation not only validates the diagnosis but also guides future management decisions, including the need for further surveillance or adjuvant therapy.

Both giant parietal lobe and cystic meningiomas rely heavily on a combination of CT and MRI for accurate diagnosis. The importance of identifying characteristic signs such as the "dural tail sign" in meningiomas and the precise delineation of cystic components in cystic meningiomas cannot be overstated. These imaging features serve as the foundation for formulating appropriate surgical strategies.

In terms of surgical technique, the principles of minimizing tissue damage, precise vascular control, and intraoperative monitoring are universal. Whether dealing with a large solid tumor in the parietal lobe or a complex cystic meningioma, the goal is to achieve complete resection while safeguarding neurological function. This requires a high level of surgical expertise and the utilization of advanced technologies.

C. Perioperative Management Similarities

Preoperative optimization of the patient's condition, postoperative vigilant monitoring, and proactive complication management are essential for both tumor types. The early recognition and treatment of epilepsy, infection, and other complications are crucial for a favorable patient outcome. Additionally, the role of rehabilitation in promoting neurological recovery is equally significant in both scenarios.

In conclusion, the diagnosis and treatment of meningiomas, particularly giant parietal lobe and cystic variants, demand a multidisciplinary approach. Accurate imaging, precise surgical techniques, and comprehensive perioperative care are the pillars of successful patient management. While significant progress has been made, challenges remain, especially in cases of complex tumor anatomy and aggressive pathological subtypes. Future research should focus on leveraging emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence for more accurate diagnosis and minimally invasive surgical techniques for improved patient outcomes. By learning from both the similarities and differences between different meningioma types, the field of neurosurgical oncology can continue to advance, offering better hope and quality of life for patients.

