12 Internet buzzwords in 2024/2024流行的12个网络用语

B站影视 2025-01-09 15:59 2

摘要:Internet buzzwordsare terms or phrases that gain popularity and widespread use on the internet, often due to their association wit

Internet buzzwords are terms or phrases that gain popularity and widespread use on the internet, often due to their association with trends, technology, social movements, or viral phenomena. These words quickly become part of everyday language, particularly in online communities. In 2024, several internet buzzwords gained prominence in China, reflecting societal trends and cultural shifts.


"city bù city" is an internet buzzword created by foreign bloggers visiting China. It’s used to describe whether a place, item, or experience feels trendy, stylish, or cosmopolitan. The phrase blends English and Chinese and is often used to express whether something has an urban, fashionable, or international vibe.

City不city 是外国博主来中国旅游时创造的网络热词,用来形容某个地方、物品或经历是不是时髦、洋气、国际化。这个短语混合了英语和汉语,通常用来描述一个地方或事物是否具有都市感、时尚感或者国际范儿。

An internet buzzword that comes from a hot search entry called "Once you start working, your temperament will change." It refers to a common life state of contemporary professionals: plain face, slack spirit, loose clothes, eyes full of fatigue. Young people use this to joke about how tired they look because of work. They say you can tell workers from students just by looking at their faces. Many people share photos showing how strong their "smell of work" is.

班味 是一个网络流行语,出自热搜中的一个叫做“一旦上过班,你的气质就变了”的词条。它指的是现代职场人的一种常见生活状态:素面朝天,精神涣散,衣着宽松,眼中充满疲惫。年轻人用这个词开玩笑,称自己因工作看起来非常疲惫。他们说,可以通过看脸来区分工人和学生。许多人会分享照片,展示自己“工作气息”的浓烈程度。

An internet term originating in Chinese online communities, especially on platforms like Tieba and Weibo. It is used to describe a team, organization, or project that lacks professionalism, formality, or rigor, and is rather rough and improvised.

草台班子 是一个网络用语,源自中文网络社区,特别是在贴吧和微博等平台上。它通常用来形容缺乏专业性、正规性和严谨性的团队、组织或项目,给人一种粗糙、临时拼凑的感觉。

A positive loser is someone who loves setting goals (or "raising flags") for themselves but never actually achieves them. Despite having a positive, can-do attitude, their actions often resemble that of a "waste" or someone who is unproductive. These people tend to panic after periods of intermittent enjoyment and frequently feel guilty about their laziness.

积极废人 是网络流行语,指那些喜欢为自己设立目标(或“立flag”),但最终无法实现的人。尽管他们心态积极、充满斗志,但他们的行动往往像“废物”一样,缺乏实际成果。这些人在享乐过后常常感到恐慌,并为自己的懒惰而自责。

"Hard-controlled" is an internet buzzword originating from MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) gaming terminology. It refers to using forced control effects, such as knock-ups, petrification, or freezing, which prevent players from controlling their characters. The term has since been extended to describe something that is so captivating or attractive that once you start, you can't stop watching or engaging with it. For example, "被美食硬控30分钟" ("I've been hard-controlled by delicious food for 30 minutes") means being mesmerized by food.

硬控 是网络流行语,最早来源于MOBA游戏术语,指通过击飞、石化、冰冻等强制性控制效果,使玩家无法操控自己的角色。这个词后来被扩展用来形容某个事物极具吸引力,让人一旦开始便无法停止。例如,“被美食硬控30分钟”表示被美食迷住了,无法自拔。

"Thief vibes" is an internet buzzword that describes a mindset where someone is careful and discreet in their work and life, not seeking attention, and simply wanting to quietly get things done without drawing notice. Literally, it means to act like a thief—sneaky, cautious, and hesitant.

偷感 是网络流行语,字面意思是像小偷一样“偷偷摸摸、畏畏缩缩、瞻前顾后”,它被用来描述一种心态:在工作和生活中谨慎小心,不想引起他人关注,只是默默地完成任务、达成目标。

This internet buzzword originally referred to two types of livestock, cows and horses, and is now used to ridicule and refer to overworked, undervalued employees, comparing them to beasts of burden.

牛马 是一个网络流行词,原指牛和马两种牲畜,用来调侃和形容那些过度劳累、被低估的员工,把他们比作负重的动物。

This term describes situations where individuals choose to endure difficulties or challenges without external necessity, often to achieve personal goals or growth.

没苦硬吃 指的是在没有外部需求的情况下,个人主动选择忍受困难或挑战,通常是为了实现个人目标或成长。

Borrowed from basketball, this term describes periods when efforts seem futile, reflecting a sense of pessimism about future opportunities.

垃圾时间 这个词借用自篮球运动,形容那些努力似乎徒劳无功的时期,反映出对未来机会的悲观情绪。

Refers to a psychological state of staying calm and composed under pressure, treating oneself kindly, and not succumbing to panic or anxiety. The term "松弛" can mean both not tense and not strict. Its popularity grew after a blogger shared a story about a family trip where, despite having all their luggage returned, the family remained calm and reorganized their plans in a relaxed atmosphere.

松弛感 指在压力下保持从容不迫、善待自己的心态,不慌张、不焦虑。这个词中的“松弛”既可以指不紧张,也可以指不严格。其走红源自一位博主的分享:一家人在旅游时,尽管所有行李被退回,他们并没有吵闹或生气崩溃,而是重新安排行程,整个过程中气氛都非常松弛。

"Extra-strong" refers to people who express intense emotions in their daily lives, with their feelings always apparent. They tend to experience extreme mood swings. In contrast, "Mild-mannered" refers to individuals who are calm, rarely show emotional fluctuations, and handle situations with composure.

浓人 指情绪表达较为强烈的人,日常生活中的情感波动较大,喜怒哀乐都表现在外。而淡人 则是那些情绪波动较小的人,他们处理事务时冷静从容,享受宁静,淡泊名利。

This term comes from Japanese writer Junichi Watanabe’s book The Power of Insensitivity. It refers to the ability to remain unbothered by minor issues and not take everything too seriously. It is used humorously to describe people who are slow to pick up on subtle cues or read between the lines.

钝感力 这个词来自日本作家渡边淳一的书《钝感力》,指的是不对所有事情过度敏感的能力。现在人们用它来形容那些迟钝、不容易理解潜台词的人。

