英语轻松学- 如何用英语描述天气状况

B站影视 2024-12-22 06:16 9

摘要:Hi, everybody, my name is Alisha. Welcome to the 2000 core English words and phrases video series.

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Hi, everybody, my name is Alisha. Welcome to the 2000 core English words and phrases video series.


Each lesson will help you learn new words, practIce and review what you've learned. Okay, let's get started.


First is Humidity. Humidity is how we measure the level of moisture in the air.


So in for example tropical places, there is high humidity. In a desert, there is low humidity. Here's an example: With low humidity, the air feels dry.

例如热带地区中的湿度很高,而沙漠中的湿度很低。例如:With low humidity, the air feels dry.

Wind. Wind refers to air that is blowing past us in everyday life. When the air is not moving, it's just air.


But when it's moving, especially a little bit in a strong way, we call it wind. Here's an example: The wind is really strong.

但是当它移动时,尤其是以很强的方式移动时,我们称之为风。例如:The wind is really strong.

Sleet. Sleet is a kind of unusual type of weather. Sleet is like rain together with snow.


So it's quite cold and it's often a little bit painful if it hits you, because the snow and the rain kind of mix together and in the cold it becomes very very hard sometimes.


So this can be somewhat painful. Here's an example: Sleet, freezing raindrops, stings when it hits bare skin.

所以这可能会有点疼。举个例子:Sleet, freezing raindrops, stings when it hits bare skin.

Ice over. To ice over or to become iced over refers usually to a road or perhaps another kind of geographic feature, like for example maybe a bridge or a tunnel perhaps that is affected by ice.

to ice over或to become iced over通常是指道路或其他类型的地理特征,例如桥梁或隧道可能受到冰的影响。

It's covered in ice and this usually is about a dangerous condition. Here's an example: Bridges will ice over before the rest of the roadway.

它被冰覆盖,这通常是一种危险的情况。举个例子:Bridges will ice over before the rest of the roadway.

thunder. Thunder is one half of the really really cool things that happen during storms.


Thunder refers to the sounds we hear in storms, the really big booming sounds. Lightning is the light. Thunder is the sound.


Here's an example: Thunder is the sound of lightning expanding the air it passes through.

举个例子:Thunder is the sound of lightning expanding the air it passes through.

Muggy. Muggy is an adjective. We use muggy to express how we feel, especially when we are in places of very high humidity.


So it can feel like the air is weighing on us. It feels like there's a lot of moisture in the air and it can feel uncomfortable sometimes. That's what muggy describes. Here's an example: In high humidity, the air feels muggy.

感觉就像空气压在我们身上。感觉空气中有很多水分,有时会感到不舒服。这就是“muggy”所描述的感受。举个例子:In high humidity, the air feels muggy.

Below freezing. This expression refers to a temperature level. So when the temperature is below freezing, it is below the degree where ice can be made.

below freezing这个表达指的是温度水平。当温度低于冰点时,它低于可以结冰的程度。

It is below the freezing level. So for example: If you use Celsius, that is zero. So below zero means it's below freezing.


Here's an example: Wet roads can ice over when the temperature falls below freezing.

举个例子:Wet roads can ice over when the temperature falls below freezing.

Wind chill. Wind chill is a very interesting kind of extra measurement. So we have the regular temperature the day.

wind chill是一种非常有趣的额外测量。我们有一天的常规温度。

But on very windy days, strong winds can make it seem even colder than the actual temperature.


So wind chill is a measurement of how much the wind can make us feel cold or chilly. Here's an example: Wind chill is how cold it really feels outside.

wind chill是衡量风能让我们感到寒冷的程度的一种测量方法。举个例子:Wind chill is how cold it really feels outside.

Below zero. So this is another expression that we use to talk about cold temperatures. so in Celsius, zero marks the freezing point.

below zero是用来谈论寒冷温度的另一种表达方式。在摄氏温度中,零度表示冰点。

But if you use Fahrenheit, zero doesn't mark the freezing point. So when we say below zero, we can express that it's below zero Celsius in countries that use Celsius.


If you are a country that uses Fahrenheit, you can use that to talk about something that's very cold.


The point is below zero marks a temperature that is below zero degrees in whichever kind of system you use.


Here's an example: Water will freeze when the temperature falls below zero degrees Celsius.

举个例子:Water will freeze when the temperature falls below zero degrees Celsius.

Clear up. To clear up can refer to weather and it can also refer to conditions, but for today let's talk about the weather.

to clear up可以指天气,也可以指条件,但今天我们来谈谈天气。

When a condition, a weather condition clears up, it's like this storm or some kind of negative weather condition that was there for a long time slowly goes away.

当一种天气状况clear up时,就像这场暴风雨或某种长期存在的恶劣天气状况慢慢消失了。

So if the rain has been falling but it slowly stops, we can describe that with clear up.

因此,如果雨一直在下,但慢慢停了,我们可以用“clear up”来描述。

Here's an example: I'm hoping for the weather to clear up so we can go on our picnic. Let's review.

举个例子:I'm hoping for the weather to clear up so we can go on our picnic.我们来复习一下。

I'm going to describe a word or phrase in English, see if you can remember it. Then repeat after me, focusing on pronunciation. Ready?


Do you remember how to say the word that is a measurement of the moisture in the air? Humidity.


And how to say the air that's moving around us but especially in a really strong way? Wind.


What about the word that refers to a mixture of rain and snow? It can sometimes be hard and a little painful. Sleet.


Do you remember how to say the expression that means to be covered in ice especially for roads, bridges and other surfaces that we drive on? Ice over.

你还记得如何说用来表示被冰覆盖的表达方式吗?尤其是道路、桥梁和我们行驶的其他表面?ice over。

Let's try the word that refers to the loud boom sounds that you hear during storms. Thunder.


What about the adjective that we use when we feel uncomfortable especially in high humidity situations? Muggy.


Now let's see if you remember how to say the expression that means a temperature that is under the freeze point. Below freezing.

现在让我们看看你是否还记得如何表达表示温度低于冰点的表达方式。below freezing。

Another one: What about the expression that means the temperature with the strength of the wind factored in? Wind chill.

另一个:将风力考虑在内的温度表达方式呢?wind chill。

Do you remember how to say the expression for a temperature that is under zero? It could be zero Celsius or zero Fahrenheit. Below zero.

你还记得如何表达零度以下的温度吗?可能是零摄氏度或零华氏度。below zero。

And finally, do you remember how to say the expression that means a rainstorm or other negative weather slowly going away? Clear up. Well done! See you next time. Bye.

最后,你还记得如何表达暴雨或其他恶劣天气正在慢慢消散吗?clear up。做得好!下次见。再见。

