节假日和特殊事件前后:在客户所在国家或地区的重要节假日(如圣诞节、感恩节、新年等)之前,提前一段时间发送催单信息。因为很多客户会在节假日前完成采购计划,以便在假期后能及时开展业务。例如,对于欧美客户,在感恩节(11 月第四个星期四)前一个月左右开始适度催单是较为合适的时机。
促销活动期间:如果自身企业或所在行业有促销活动,如年终大促、清仓活动等,及时通知客户并提醒下单可享受优惠。这不仅能刺激客户下单,还能让客户感受到实惠。比如,“Our year-end clearance sale is coming soon. You can enjoy up to 50% off on selected products. It's a great opportunity to place your order and save costs.”(我们的年终清仓大促即将来临。部分产品可享五折优惠。这是您下单节省成本的绝佳机会。)
产品更新与升级:告知客户产品的改进之处,如新功能、更好的质量、更环保的材料等。例如,“Our latest product version has enhanced durability and added a new intelligent control function, which can improve your production efficiency. It would be a great addition to your business.”(我们的最新产品版本增强了耐用性并新增了智能控制功能,可提升您的生产效率。它将是您业务的有力补充。)
行业趋势与市场情报:分享一些与客户业务相关的行业趋势、市场动态或竞争对手信息,让客户意识到及时下单对其保持竞争力的重要性。比如,“According to the latest market research, the demand for [product type] is expected to increase significantly in the next quarter. Placing an order now can ensure you have sufficient inventory to meet the market needs.”(根据最新市场研究,[产品类型] 的需求预计在下个季度大幅增长。现在下单可确保您有足够库存满足市场需求。)
限量供应策略:告知客户产品数量有限,如原材料供应紧张、生产批次有限或特价产品数量有限等。例如,“We only have a limited quantity of [product name] left in stock. Once these are sold out, the production will be postponed until next year, and the price may also increase. It is advisable to place your order as soon as possible.”(我们的 [产品名称] 库存数量有限。一旦售罄,生产将推迟到明年,价格也可能上涨。建议您尽快下单。)
价格调整预警:提前通知客户即将到来的价格上涨,让客户明白延迟下单可能会导致成本增加。例如,“Due to the rising cost of raw materials and exchange rate fluctuations, our product prices will be adjusted upward by 10% starting from [specific date]. To lock in the current price, please place your order before that date.”(由于原材料成本上升和汇率波动,我们的产品价格将从 [具体日期] 起上调 10%。为锁定当前价格,请在该日期前下单。)
根据客户的不同特点和偏好,采用个性化的催单方式。对于注重价格的客户,重点强调优惠和成本节省;对于关注品质的客户,详细介绍产品的质量管控和认证情况;对于长期合作且关系密切的客户,可以采用更亲切、随和的语气。例如,对于一位与公司合作多年且注重品质的老客户,可以这样写:“Dear [Customer Name], you have always been our valued partner who appreciates the finest quality. Our new production line has implemented even stricter quality control measures. I believe these upgraded products will meet your high standards. Looking forward to receiving your order soon.”(亲爱的 [客户姓名],您一直是我们珍视的合作伙伴,对品质有着极高要求。我们的新生产线实施了更严格的质量控制措施。我相信这些升级后的产品将符合您的高标准。期待尽快收到您的订单。)
电子邮件是外贸催单最常用的媒介。它具有正式、便捷、可记录等优点。邮件内容应简洁明了、重点突出,主题要有吸引力且能准确传达邮件主旨。例如,主题可以是 “Urgent: Christmas Order Reminder for [Company Name]”(紧急:[公司名称] 圣诞订单提醒)。在邮件正文中,详细阐述催单的原因、产品的优势、优惠信息等,并附上清晰的产品图片、规格参数、价格清单以及下单链接或联系方式。推荐AB客营销邮件,99%送达率,免费送200封!
电话催单能够直接与客户交流,及时了解客户的反馈和顾虑。在打电话之前,要做好充分准备,熟悉客户信息和订单详情,列出通话要点。通话时,注意语气礼貌、热情,先与客户寒暄几句,建立良好的沟通氛围,然后再切入催单主题。例如,“Hello, [Customer Name]. This is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. How are you? I'm calling to follow up on the order we discussed last time. I know you are very busy, but our year-end promotion is about to end, and I don't want you to miss this great opportunity.”(您好,[客户姓名]。我是 [公司名称] 的 [您的名字]。您最近怎么样?我打电话是想跟进一下我们上次讨论的订单。我知道您很忙,但我们的年终促销即将结束,我不想让您错过这个好机会。)
如 WhatsApp、Skype 等即时通讯工具在国际商务沟通中也越来越常用。通过即时通讯工具催单,可以更加及时、便捷地与客户互动,发送文字、图片、视频等多种形式的信息。例如,给客户发送一段产品的演示视频,并附上简短的催单文字:“Hi, [Customer Name]. Check out this video of our new product. It's really amazing. And don't forget our special offer is valid until [deadline]. Let's finalize the order soon.”(嗨,[客户姓名]。看看我们新产品的演示视频。真的很棒。别忘了我们的优惠有效期至 [截止日期]。让我们尽快确定订单吧。)
如果与客户在社交媒体上有互动,可以利用社交媒体平台进行催单。例如,在 LinkedIn 上发布关于公司产品的更新动态,并 @相关客户,提醒他们关注产品信息并下单。或者在 Facebook 或 Instagram 上分享一些客户案例、产品使用场景等内容,吸引客户的兴趣,然后私信客户询问订单意向。但要注意在社交媒体上的沟通风格要符合平台特点和客户群体的偏好,避免过于商业化和生硬。
1. 开场问候与提及合作历史
“Dear [Customer Name], it has been a pleasure working with you over the years. We truly value our business relationship.”(亲爱的 [客户姓名],多年来与您合作非常愉快。我们非常珍视我们的业务关系。)
2. 询问订单进展并表达期待
“I was wondering if you have had any further thoughts on the order we discussed. We are looking forward to receiving your order and serving you again.”(我想知道您对我们之前讨论的订单是否有进一步的想法。我们期待收到您的订单并再次为您服务。)
3. 提供帮助与解决顾虑
“If you have any questions or concerns about the order, please feel free to let us know. We are here to assist you.”(如果您对订单有任何疑问或顾虑,请随时告知我们。我们随时为您提供帮助。)
1. 年末优惠活动催单
“Our exclusive year-end discount is now available. You can get a 20% discount on all orders placed before [date]. This is a great chance to save on your purchases and boost your business. Don't miss out!”(我们的年终独家折扣现已推出。在 [日期] 前下单,所有订单均可享受八折优惠。这是您节省采购成本并促进业务发展的绝佳机会。不要错过!)
“We are currently running a limited-time promotion. If you place an order within the next week, you will receive a free gift worth [value]. It's a wonderful addition to your order. Act quickly!”(我们目前正在进行限时促销活动。如果您在下周内下单,将获得价值 [金额] 的免费礼品。这是您订单的绝佳补充。赶快行动!)
2. 库存有限催单
“We have a very limited stock of [product name] left. Only [quantity] units are available. Once these are sold out, it will take several weeks to restock. To ensure you don't experience any supply disruptions, we recommend placing your order as soon as possible.”(我们的 [产品名称] 库存非常有限。仅剩下 [数量] 件。一旦售罄,补货需要几周时间。为确保您不会遇到供应中断的情况,我们建议您尽快下单。)
“The popular [product variant] is in extremely short supply. We have reserved a few units for our valued customers like you, but they won't last long. Please confirm your order promptly to secure your supply.”(热门的 [产品变体] 供应极为短缺。我们为像您这样的重要客户预留了一些,但数量有限。请及时确认您的订单以确保供应。)
3. 价格上涨催单
“Due to the increasing cost of raw materials and production, our product prices will be adjusted upward by 15% starting from [upcoming date]. However, if you place your order before [current date], you can still enjoy the current price. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and place your order now.”(由于原材料和生产成本的不断上涨,我们的产品价格将从 [即将到来的日期] 起上调 15%。然而,如果您在 [当前日期] 前下单,仍可享受当前价格。我们鼓励您抓住这个机会,现在就下单。)
“We have received notice from our suppliers that the price of key components will increase next month, which will directly affect our product prices. To avoid the price hike, it is recommended that you finalize your order in the next few days.”(我们已收到供应商通知,关键零部件价格将于下月上涨,这将直接影响我们的产品价格。为避免价格上涨,建议您在未来几天内确定订单。)
4. 新产品推荐催单
“We are excited to introduce our latest product innovation, the [New Product Name]. It features [new features and benefits]. We believe it will be a great fit for your market and help you gain a competitive edge. Would you like to place a trial order to experience its advantages?”(我们很高兴向您介绍我们的最新产品创新 ——[新产品名称]。它具有 [新功能和优势]。我们相信它将非常适合您的市场,并帮助您获得竞争优势。您是否愿意下一个试订单来体验它的优势?)
“Our new product line has just been launched and has received excellent feedback from early adopters. It offers improved performance and quality compared to previous models. We thought you might be interested in adding it to your product portfolio. Let's discuss the order details.”(我们的新产品系列刚刚推出,并已收到早期使用者的良好反馈。与之前的型号相比,它在性能和质量上都有提升。我们认为您可能有兴趣将其纳入您的产品组合。让我们讨论一下订单细节。)
1. 表达感谢与期待回复
“Thank you for your time and consideration. We appreciate your prompt response regarding the order. Have a great day!”(感谢您的时间和关注。我们期待您对订单的及时回复。祝您有美好的一天!)
2. 提供联系方式与再次邀请下单
“If you need any further information or assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me at [phone number] or [email address]. We look forward to hearing from you and finalizing the order soon.”(如果您需要任何进一步的信息或帮助,请随时拨打 [电话号码] 或发邮件至 [邮箱地址] 与我联系。我们期待收到您的回复并尽快确定订单。)