
B站影视 2024-12-17 08:00 2

摘要:When the sentence was concluded the prisoner acknowledged in a few scarcely audible words that he was justly punished, and that he


When the sentence was concluded the prisoner acknowledged in a few scarcely audible words that he was justly punished, and that he had had a fair trial. He was then removed to the prison from which he was never to return. 宣判结束时,凡人用几乎听不见的声音说了几个字,承认他得到了公正的审批和合理的惩罚。然后,他被送到他永远也不会出来的监狱。

(1) When the sentence was concluded the prisoner acknowledged in a few scarcely audible words that he was justly punished, and that he had had a fair trial. He was then removed to the prison from which he was never to return: At the end of the sentence, the prisoner uttered a few words in a barely audible voice, acknowledging that he had received a fair examination and a just punishment. Then he was sent to a prison from which he would never get out. 在宣判结束时,犯人用几乎听不见的声音说了几句话,承认他受到了公平的审判和公正的惩罚。然后他被送进了监狱,再也出不去了。

(2)audible: able to be heard

She spoke in a whisper, but her words were still audible.


His voice sounded very weak, barely audible.


