
B站影视 2024-12-03 08:18 8

摘要:如果说《是,大臣》和《是,首相》讲的是影视剧当中的政治,那《Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy: The DOGE Plan to Reform Government》(埃隆·马斯克和维韦克·拉马斯瓦米:DOGE改革政府的计划)讲的就是

如果说《是,大臣》和《是,首相》讲的是影视剧当中的政治,那《Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy: The DOGE Plan to Reform Government》(埃隆·马斯克和维韦克·拉马斯瓦米:DOGE改革政府的计划)讲的就是太平洋那边实实在在发生的政治了。

DOGE(全名Department Of Efficiency Government政府效率部)是由赛博老百姓头子马斯克和企业家维韦克·拉马斯瓦米(笔者也不认识此人)管事的新部门,然而本文内容跟DOGE成立的原因、意义、影响等无关,选择一些句子并且学习其中语法——这才是本文目的所在。

“Our country is built on the basic idea that the people we elect to run the government are the ones we edict. But that's not the case in America today. Most of the provisions of the law are not laws enacted by Congress, but "rules and regulations" enacted by unelected bureaucrats... there are tens of thousands of rules and regulation every year. Most of the government's law enforcement decisions and discretionary spending are made not by the elected president or even his politically appointed officials, but by the millions of unelected, unappointed civil servants in government agencies who believe they will not be fired because of the protections of the civil service.” 我们的国家建立在这么一个基本理念上,由我们选出的管理政府的人应当接受我们的命令。但是当今的美国并不是这样的。大多数法令不经过国会,而是由未经选举的官僚颁布……这样的“规则和法规”每年有成千上万。大多数政府执法决策和自由支出并非由民选总统或总统任命的官员做出,而是由政府机构内数百万的未经选举、未被任命的公务员做出,他们相信在公务员保护机制下能够免于开除。

Our country is built on the basic idea that the people we elect to run the government are the ones we edict——第一句就略显拗口,同时用到了同位语从句和定语从句。这俩相当容易混淆,因为不仅长得很像而且在许多情况下都会被翻译成“XXX的XXX”,而常常又很难直接理解原句,不翻译成中文又无法理解。


同位语从句idea that the people we elect to run the government are the ones we edict,其中idea=that后面一大串,如果我们把that后面一大串删了的话,就完全不知道idea具体内容是个啥了,地位完全相同,这就是同位语;定语从句the people we elect等价于“(我们选的)人”,括号内≠人,人的定义是“物种”,而不是“我们选择的”,括号内不是“人”的具体内容,这就是定语。再提炼一下,前者是定义,后者是定语。

But that's not the case in America today——case有一个极好的翻译“情况”,“这不是美国的现状”“万一在那种情况下”“受伤的情况”都可以用到case。

Most of the provisions of the law are not laws enacted by Congress, but "rules and regulations" enacted by unelected bureaucrats—— 用到了省略句,but后的are省略了。

there are tens of thousands of rules and regulation every year——tens of thousands of直译就是几十个几千,当然我们会意译为“成百上千”,类似,用billions of billions of billions of billions of billions of billions of billions of也应该没有什么问题,这就好像数学题“请写出大于1的数字”,结果你写1919810114514,是对的,但是也挺有病的。

Most of the government's law enforcement decisions and discretionary spending are made not by the elected president or even his politically appointed officials, but by the millions of unelected, unappointed civil servants in government agencies who believe they will not be fired because of the protections of the civil service——elected、appointed、unelected、unappointed都体现了“动词的名词化”,用unappointed来说明就是:






