本期音频:What Should You Say In A Speech At A Year-End Party? 年会上的发言要说什么?摘要:在外企,无论是老板还是员工代表都要在年会上发言,在这样一个特殊场合是要像获奖感言一样发言吗?还是罗列一年以来的成就呢?发言要说多久合适呢?具体要说些什么呢?What Should You Say In Your Speech At A Year-End Par
What Should You Say
In Your Speech At A Year-End Party?
Hello Everyone, Welcome to WendyEnglishTimes,欢迎来到Wendy的英语时光。
在外企,无论是老板还是员工代表都要在年会上发言,在这样一个特殊场合是要像获奖感言一样发言吗?还是罗列一年以来的成就呢?发言要说多久合适呢?具体要说些什么呢?What Should You Say In Your Speech At A Year-End Party?
What Should the Boss Say in Their Speech?
演讲可以从温暖的问候开始Start with Warm Greetings:
比如"Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us this evening to celebrate another wonderful year."
接下来老板可以开始对员工表达感激之情Show Gratitude:
比如"I want to extend my deepest appreciation to all of you. Your hard work, dedication, and resilience have been truly remarkable."
然后老板便可以提及本年度的主要成就Acknowledge Key Achievements:
比如 "This year, we achieved [XYZ]. None of this would have been possible without the collective efforts of everyone in this room."
这里的XYZ就是指具体的里程碑specific milestones、成功的项目successful projects或业务增长business growth。
演讲的内容也可以反思挑战和成长Reflect on Challenges and Growth:
比如"We also faced some challenges this year, but together, we embraced these opportunities to learn, grow, and become stronger as a team."
如果需要的话,还可以提到文化多元性Incorporate Cultural Sensitivity (if needed):
比如"Collaborating in such a multicultural environment has been one of the most enriching experiences. Our diversity is our strength, and it makes our accomplishments all the more meaningful."
演讲的最后要展望未来Look Toward the Future:
比如"Looking ahead to the upcoming year, I am confident that we will continue to achieve great things together. Let's aim even higher and strive for even greater success."
作为公司的领导,可以表达对员工的尊重并希望他们在年会上尽情享受Express Respect and Enjoyment:
比如说"Thank you once again for your hard work, and please take this evening to relax and enjoy yourselves—you've earned it!"
演讲以祝酒结束Conclude with a Toast:
你可以说"Here's to all of you, our successes, and an even brighter future ahead! Cheers!"
What Should Employees' Representatives Say?
这一切可以从问候开始Start with Greetings:
"Good evening, everyone. It’s an honor to speak on behalf of all my colleagues tonight."
接下来要感谢领导Thank the Leadership:
"Before I go further, I’d like to thank [boss's name] and the management for their guidance, support, and belief in us throughout the year."
然后就可以罗列一些年度团队成就了Celebrate Team Achievements:
比如"This has been an incredible year for our team. We've worked on amazing projects like XYZ, and we couldn’t have done it without everyone coming together."
其中XYZ项目可以提到具体的成就或亮点mention specific accomplishments or highlights.
当然也可以赞扬团队合作和多样性Praise Teamwork and Diversity
比如"This company truly exemplifies teamwork, diversity, and collaboration. Working with colleagues from across different countries and cultures has been a privilege and has taught us so much."
演讲也要加上对成长的反思Reflect on Growth:
你可以说 "This year has also been a journey of personal and professional growth for many of us. We've learned from each other, supported one another, and achieved things we didn’t think possible."
最后期待能有持续的成功Look Forward to Continued Success:
"As we step into the new year, I know there’s so much more we can accomplish together. With the support of our leaders and the commitment of our team, the sky's the limit."
演讲以感恩和祝愿结束End with Gratitude and a Wish:
"Once again, thank you to everyone who made this year a success. Wishing all of us happiness, health, and success in the coming year. Let's enjoy the evening!"
对于年会上的领导讲话和员工代表演讲,建议3-5分钟为宜,毕竟没有人想在这样一个欢聚的场合下听冗长的发言。So keep it short.保持短小精悍。
另外,发言要体现包容性,提及个人和团队的贡献,但避免偏袒。不论是否有突出贡献,大家都辛苦工作了一整年,都希望这份辛苦得到认可和肯定,所以演讲要表现出积极的一面,给活动留下昂扬和鼓舞人心的基调be positive。
好,以上就是本期的全部内容了,希望本期内容能够使你在年会的发言更加自信从容。Thank you very much for your listening and I’ll see you next time! Bye for now!