原创 六团队 第十一诊室在这样匆忙慌张的世界里,睡一个好觉变得十分珍贵,睡眠使得我们忙碌一天的身体和精神得以栖息,良好的睡眠环境、姿势和习惯更是睡一个好觉的充分必要条件。如果发现自己有不良的睡眠习惯,及时地调整回来,晚上这段休息放松的宝贵时间,可不要让身体过得太委屈呀。睡一个舒舒服服的好觉,以饱满的精神迎接新一天的工作……不是,明媚的太阳,多好!答应我,今晚开始,好好睡觉~参考文献[1] Yong-Moon Mark Park et al. Association of Exposure to Artificial Light at Night While Sleeping With Risk of Obesity in Women. JAMA Intern Med. 2019;179(8):1061-1071.[2] Obayashi K, Saeki K, Iwamoto J, et al. Exposure to light at night, nocturnal urinary melatonin excretion, and obesity/dyslipidemia in the elderly: a cross-sectional analysis of the HEIJO-KYO study[J]. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2013, 98(1): 337-344.[3] McFadden E, Jones M E, Schoemaker M J, et al. The relationship between obesity and exposure to light at night: cross-sectional analyses of over 100,000 women in the Breakthrough Generations Study[J]. American journal of epidemiology, 2014, 180(3): 245-250.[4] Hsia C C , Liou K J , Aung A P W , et al. Analysis and Comparison of Sleeping Posture Classification Methods using Pressure Sensitive Bed System[J]. Conference proceedings: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 2009, 2009:6131-6134.[5] 科普中国. 口呼吸影响颜值,还不快改正?[EB/OL]. (2019-09-15)[2022-02-06]. http://www.xinhuanet.com/science/2019-05/05/c_138024158.htm.摘要:在这样匆忙慌张的世界里,睡一个好觉变得十分珍贵,睡眠使得我们忙碌一天的身体和精神得以栖息,良好的睡眠环境、姿势和习惯更是睡一个好觉的充分必要条件。如果发现自己有不良的睡眠习惯,及时地调整回来,晚上这段休息放松的宝贵时间,可不要让身体过得太委屈呀。睡一个舒舒服服