袁岚峰对话2004年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者David Gross

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摘要:每年世界顶尖科学家论坛在上海召开的时候,世界顶尖科学家协会与字节跳动都会邀请诺贝尔奖获得者和我做一个对话节目。今年非常高兴,见到2004年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者、美国科学家戴维·格罗斯(David Jonathan Gross)。他和另外两位美国科学家戴维·普利

■ 抖音:


每年世界顶尖科学家论坛在上海召开的时候,世界顶尖科学家协会与字节跳动都会邀请诺贝尔奖获得者和我做一个对话节目。今年非常高兴,见到2004年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者、美国科学家戴维·格罗斯(David Jonathan Gross)。他和另外两位美国科学家戴维·普利策(Hugh David Politzer)与弗兰克·维尔切克(Frank Wilczek)共同获奖,原因是“发现强相互作用理论中的渐近自由”(for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction)。实际上,维尔切克就是格罗斯的第一个研究生,去年我刚在主持墨子沙龙的直播时见过他,所以这次是我第二次见到渐近自由的三位发现者之一。

渐近自由究竟是什么?物质是由原子组成的,原子是由电子与原子核组成的,原子核又是由质子、中子组成的。那么,电子、质子、中子是基本粒子吗?现在的回答是,电子是基本粒子,但质子和中子并不是基本粒子,它们都是由夸克(quark)组成的。默里·盖尔曼(Murray Gell-Mann,1929 - 2019)因为提出夸克模型,获得了1969年诺贝尔物理学奖。

然而,夸克模型有个问题,就是无法观测到单个的夸克。无论把质子、中子多么猛烈地相撞,都从来没有把单个夸克撞出来,只会见到各种各样其他奇怪的粒子。这种现象被称为夸克禁闭(quark confinement)。在一段时间内,这个问题导致许多科学家认为夸克仅仅是个数学模型,并不是真实的粒子,其中甚至包括盖尔曼本人。




描述夸克之间相互作用的理论叫做量子色动力学(Quantum Chromodynamics,简称QCD),渐近自由就是QCD的一个关键特征。描述强相互作用的量子色动力学加上描述电磁力与弱相互作用的电弱统一理论(unified electro-weak theory),就是目前我们对粒子物理最好的描述——标准模型(standard model)。

而所有这些理论,在数学框架上都是基于杨振宁与罗比特·米尔斯(Robert L. Mills)提出的非阿贝尔规范场论(non-Abelian gauge field theory),或者称为杨-米尔斯理论(Yang-Mills theory)。因此,渐近自由与杨振宁先生具有密切的联系,这又增加了我们了解它的理由。



袁岚峰:So, dear Professor Gross, very nice to meet you.


David Gross:Nice to meet you.


袁岚峰:So actually, last year, I just met your student, professor Wilczek.


David Gross:Yes.


袁岚峰:And the reason for you and Professor Politzer and Professor Wilczek to get the Nobel prize was for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction.


So what is asymptotic freedom?


I heard that it was proposed to solve the puzzle of quark confinement, is that correct?


What is quark? And what is quark confinement?


David Gross:Many questions.


So quarks are the constituents, the elementary particles that make up nuclear matter, the proton and neutron that make up the nuclei.


So you are made out of quarks。




David Gross:But the quarks are confined permanently inside the proton, and asymptotic freedom and quantum chromodynamics, which came from that, expain that confinement


But that wasn't the reason that we were led to asymptotic freedom.


We were trying to explain the behavior of quarks as seen in the experiments under very good microscopes.


So if you look in these experiments at the inner structure of the proton, it turns out it was discovered in the late 1960s that it looks very much like inside the proton, there are these little quarks moving around.


And when they're very close together they're moving freely, noninteractive. And quantum chromodynamics, which has this asymptotic freedom, explain that, which is very surprising phenomena.


Normally things close together interact strongly.


You pull them apart, they interact weakly.


It's just the opposite in quantum chromodynamics.


But that also, in addition, turned out to explain why you can't pull the quarks apart because the force gets bigger at large distances.


So that's sort of asymptotic freedom.


袁岚峰:Yeah, I heard that is often likened as a rubber band.


David Gross:Yeah, somewhat similar.


That's a metaphor, but right.


And a rubber, if you take, you pull on a rubber band very short distances, you don't see the band.


You pull them apart, you begin to feel the force and that's what keeps the quarks inside the proton and the neutron and all other strongly interacting particles.


袁岚峰:Yeah, that's amazing.


So actually, after reading your Nobel lecture, I got to know that the asymptotic freedom solves not only the problem of quark confinement, but also a crisis of physics at that time.


David Gross:Well, yeah, the crisis was we didn't understand the nuclear force.


So it turned out that the explanation, in some sense, it's very simple if you construct this very special theory of quantum chromodynamics.


袁岚峰:Yeah. The truly amazing thing was that there were many scientists who thought that we cannot have a microscopic theory for the strong interaction. And they included many great names, like Lev Landau, Murray Gell-Mann, Richard Feynman, Freeman Dyson, and even your own Ph.D. supervisor ...


David Gross:Yeah, yeah.


袁岚峰:Professor Geoffrey Chew.


However, the amazing thing was that at last they were proved wrong , and we can indeed find such a theory


And what's more interesting, the theory is the only one possible, namely, the Yang-Mills theory.


David Gross:Right. Well, that's what I proved with some other people.


Yes. So there were many reasons to suspect that the theoretical framework that we had, quantum field theory, which was very good at explaining the behavior of electrons and light, Maxwell's theory, quantum electrodynamics, was very successful.


But when people tried to apply the same ideas to the strong nuclear force, it was totally failure. Some people believe that therefore, quantum field theory, the quantum theory of fields like the electromagnetic field, were just wrong.


They were not the right framework.


And that one needed something much more revolutionary.


So indeed, it was quite a surprise just about to everybody that a particular, in fact, unique quantum field theory could explain this force very precisely.


袁岚峰:So you rescued the quantum field theory.


David Gross:Actually. Yes. But, you know, my, I had, I'd been working on a plan for many years to kill quantum field theory because no quantum field theory could explain this phenomenon.


And more or less, the only one that was left was Yang-Mills theory, so called, or a theory like electromagnetism, but with more than charge, three charges in fact.


That was the, a very difficult kind of theory. People were not accustomed to it.


And so that was the last theory that I studied with my newest, my first student, Frank Wilczek.




David Gross:And I was very surprised that it behaved in this way.


But once we discovered that, the rest was almost came easy.


袁岚峰:So in the end of your Nobel lecture, you talked about the implications of asymptotic freedom to many other areas. For example, the early universe.


At first glance, the early universe seems to be very complicated.


However, due to asymptotic freedom, it instead becomes very simple, so that we can study it. Can you introduce these implications to us?


David Gross:Yeah, that was one of the main, one of the many benefits of quantum chromodynamics.


So if we run the movie backwards in time and look at the universe. The universe is now expanding.


So we go back in time.


It was getting denser and denser and hotter and hotter, so the temperature was increasing, particles were moving more energetically closer together.


That was difficult because people really had no idea what happens at these very high energies.


Asymptotic freedom taught us that at very high energies, things become very simple.


The particles stop interacting, the neutron and the proton nuclei melt and the quarks come out, but they are interacting weakly, so you can study them easily.


And that enabled astrophysicists and cosmologists to go extrapolate backwards in time and learn about the early universe.


Now we have a very good understanding of how the universe evolved from the beginning, whatever that means.


A very, when the universe was, the universe we see was very small and hot and dense, but the physics was very simple.


袁岚峰:Yeah, it's amazing that we get a hot soup of quarks and gluons. Amazingly, it's very simple.


David Gross:Exactly. Yeah, we are lucky.


袁岚峰:It is well known that there are four kinds of fundamental interactions in Nature: strong interaction, weak interaction, electromagnetic force, and gravity. So far we are not able to unify them. You have always been interested in this topic, e.g., the string theory. So, how long have we marched in this direction? And how long would we need to go ahead?


David Gross:Well, we have very good clues, in my opinion, that these forces are unified because again, we can extrapolate using the theory to what happens when particles have very high energies. We can't directly probe those very high energies because it's very difficult to build very big a particle accelerators. But theoretically we can extrapolate, and if we extrapolate our theory we find that the forces seem to come together close to where gravity becomes very strong and very quantum like. And we don't understand how gravity behaves at very high energies or very short distances. But this is a very important clue that unification is likely to happen with gravity at these very very short distances. And so that has motivated us for, you know, almost 50 years to try to unify all the forces. And the best approach that has emerged is string theory.


But we're still, I think, far from understanding how to precisely construct a solution to the unified theory. If we had someday, I think we will, maybe we'll need even theories that go beyond string theory. And if we do so, we'll be able to answer a lot of the questions that currently we can't answer.


袁岚峰:So do you have predictions to Nobel prizes in the areas of high energy theory and experiment? Which works are very likely to be awarded in the future?


David Gross:It's very hard to predict Nobel prizes. Not really. Well, we have had a lot of hopes when the LHC, the large hadron collider started at CERN. That there are many proposals for due physics that would be discovered, there were we expected to discover the Higgs particle. Very shortly after the LHC turned on. And that obviously deserved the Nobel Prize, but nothing else so far.




David Gross:Which is very disappointing. But, you know, nature is nature. It doesn't, you know, it doesn't, it's not there to serve us.




David Gross:we're there to understand it. But I expect that in the coming years and decades, there will be very fundamental discoveries maybe here in China.


诺奖得主格罗斯:第一次有理论物理学家发明而非发现获奖 我为他骄傲

袁岚峰:So this year’s Nobel prizes give us great shock, because the physics prize and the chemistry prize both go to artificial intelligence. What ideas do you have about AI?


David Gross:Well. I don't think that it's correct to say that the physics prize went to artificial intelligence. The physics prize, which the half of the physics prize went to John Hopfield. John Hopfield is a condensed matter physicist. He was my colleague at Princeton for 20 years. His office was two offices down for me. He a physicist. Now, this prize was given for an invention, not a discovery, an invention.


Many Nobel Prizes are given for inventions for example, radio, the blue laser LED, the integrated chip. Those are inventions coming from physics. The Hopfield model was an invention which came from physics and has had great impact on biology, neuroscience, understanding the brain and on computer science. The brain thinks these networks that Hopfield invented with ideas that came from spin glasses from condensed matter physics have had an enormous impact on neuroscience science. And since the brain thinks, on thinking machines like, so neural networks have become an important component of artificial intelligence, of machine learning, of large language models. So this is an invention coming from physics. It's the first invention, Nobel Prize for an invention that was made by a theorist. Marconi was an engineer. The integrated chip was designed by a transistor. These were designed by a physicist, experimentalist. But the neuron nets that Hopfield invented were so impactful, were invented by a theorist. So I'm very proud of my good friend and colleague, the physicist, who made an important invention.



袁岚峰:Yeah. And based on the Hopfield model, Professor Jeffrey Hinton got the Boltzmann machine. That's also the name of Boltzmann.


David Gross:Yes.


So indeed, so many, you know, physics is a very deep conceptual framework which we understand the natural world. And, you know, as a physicist, I can tell you that everything about nature is based on physics in the end.




David Gross:So it's not surprising that ideas coming from understanding the natural rule have enormous impact in many areas, not just traditional physics. You know, in nature, there are no boundaries as to.




David Gross:This is physics, this is ..


Not surprising. So Hinton, who is a computer scientist and looking for models, analogies to try to understand very complicated networks of neurons and how thinking happens, used techniques that came from physical systems with many many different components, where we use ideas of statistical mechanics. Ludwig Boltzmann was the main developer of those tools. And so he called one of his methods a Boltzmann machine.


But the computer has really changed the way we do physics. We can now do, as theorists, we can do experiments, numerical experiments, which teach us a lot, as well as incredible calculations that were totally impossible 50 years ago.



袁岚峰:So we have talked about Professor Chen-Ning Yang. He made great contributions to particle physics. Nevertheless, he also made a famous comment to particle physics: “The party is over.” So how do you think about this?


David Gross:Well, he was completely wrong. C. N. Yang made that statement in 1950s, over 50 years ago, before we had the evidence that led us to say QCD, which of course is based on Yang-Mills theory. So it was a very strange statement. I don't understand why he made it.


袁岚峰:I think it was in the seven, in the 80s.


David Gross:He might have made in the 80s. But he made such statements. I know. I. I s in 1971.


袁岚峰:Oh my goodness so even earlier than that.


David Gross:Sorry. I have no idea why he made that statement, but he's made it forever and he's been wrong forever.


Since he made that statement, we discovered deep inelastic scattering, we discover neutral course with all the components of the Standard Model. And he kept making that statement and he kept being wrong.


袁岚峰:So your career as a teacher can be said to be extremely successful. You have at least two very famous students, Frank Wilzcek and Edward Witten. Prof. Wilzcek received the Nobel prize along with you, and Prof. Witten was a leading figure of string theory, and got a Fields medal. So, what is your way of education?


David Gross:Well, I was lucky that I, you know, that I had such great students. They chose to work with me. So if new students become colleagues, so it's very good to have very good students. I don't know.


I have many other students in addition to Frank and Ed Witten who haven't necessarily won these top prizes but are truly excellent excellent physicists. So one of the great things in physics is to work with the young people. First when I started, Frank was my first student. I was only 30. He was the young student. But over the years, it's been one of the great pleasures of any scientist, as you know, to work with young people. They are always the future of science. And it keeps you young if you work with young people.


袁岚峰:So, how do you think about science communication? Did you write popular science writings? What popular science writings would you like to recommend to the public?


David Gross:Oh, well, there are many. You know, that's how I became a scientist. I started reading popular science books when I was a child, a kid. And I got enormously. I, that's how I got interested in theoretical physics, especially I read a book by Einstein. Einstein wrote a popular science book, beautiful book.


袁岚峰:The Evolution of Physics?


David Gross:Yes, yeah, exactly.


You know the book?



Sure, sure.


David Gross:With Infeld.


袁岚峰:Right, right.


David Gross:Excellent book. It's a wonderful book.


And now I think popular science books are incredibly important because they teach young people about science, get them excited. Frank does very well. Frank likes to write. I don't like to write. I find it difficult, painful. I don't enjoy it. I like to calculate. So yes, I maybe someday I'll write some books. I've written some books, but not, but I don't enjoy it as much as Frank does. But I do think it's very important. And there are many good books nowadays. There are also many bad books.


袁岚峰:So You served as the Director of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics until 2012. So what have been the main focuses of your life and work in the twelve years since then?


David Gross:Well, I have to do less administration, so I do, which is great. So I have time to do, in addition to continue to do physics, but also to interact with various centers of theoretical physics around the world. So I spent many years trying to help the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Beijing, but also similar institutes around the world, in India, Brazil and other places. And too much travel, but I still try to continue to do physics and to keep up to date with what the wonderful things that are happening.


出息了 诺奖得主给我灌鸡汤

袁岚峰:And regarding research anxiety, there is such a question. You received your tenure at Princeton when you were only 30.


David Gross:Yes.


袁岚峰:So do you consider yourself a very lucky scientist?


And compare to now obtaining tenure seems to be increasingly difficult and demanding.


So with so many young scientists in their 30s facing anxiety about projects and funding, so what message would you like to share with them?


David Gross:Don't be paranoid. No, I mean. I was very lucky indeed. So I was tenured before asymptotic freedom, before I'd really done something really important. So I thought my mentors were very smart. They could identify people, young people. I think that's very important. But I was lucky, okay? But I think today, young scientists I find in China, in Asia, actually everywhere in the world, including the United States, are much too scared, paranoid.


This wasn't the case when I was young. We weren't so hung up. I think the problem is that nowadays, because of social media and the internet, everybody knows everything. Too much information.




David Gross:Right. Right. Which makes people paranoic. And that's not good. It means that instead of focusing on doing science, having fun, just enjoying oneself, which is the motivation for creativity, instead they're just worried and they think, what do I need to do? Do I need to write these papers for Nature like this? It's wrong. And so it's very unfortunate. So I try to tell my postdocs and young students and here, stop being so scared. It'll work out. Don't worry. Do what you enjoy doing. Take chances. Don't be scared. But people... it's a bad bad development.


袁岚峰:So there is also a question regarding the importance of asking questions.


袁岚峰:So in your 2008 interview with Adam Smith, you mentioned that ... Adam Smith was the reporter of the Nobel prize website, you mentioned that students need to learn to ask questions, not answer them. And you, so are you someone who enjoys asking questions? And why do you think learning to ask questions is so important for young people, especially international students for whom English was not their native language? It would be challenging to ask professor like you.


袁岚峰:So what advice would you give to the young scholars?


David Gross:No, and I don't mean asking questions of your professors, although that's good, too. I mean asking questions of nature. So science is driven by questions. That's, you know, we do experiments to answer questions. We develop theories to answer questions. Once you have formulated a really good question in science, that's the hardest part, the rest is not easy, but it follows from the questions. So the, it really is important for for beginning scientists, for any scientist to continually ask questions and try to, but not just questions that are, because you're ignorant of something that somebody else knows already or is in the books, questions for nature, and what ...


You know, there are many great discoveries, theoretical or experimental, that could have happened 20 years ago, except nobody was asking the question.


David Gross:It, this is the hardest thing to teach. You can teach people about what we understand, what we observe, what we, our theories, but how do you teach people to ask questions? And that's is the most important thing. I think it is much easier to teach people, unfortunately, not to ask questions. That's what often happens in school, right? Kids have questions and the teacher says, shut up,


袁岚峰:That's too bad.There is also a question about Professor Tsung-Dao Lee.


David Gross:Yes, T.-D. Lee.


袁岚峰:Professor Tsung-Dao Lee passed away two months ago, at the age of 98. And actually, he had a very close relation with you, right?


David Gross:Over the...Well, yeah, I see.


袁岚峰:Because both he and your Ph.D. supervisor Geoffrey Chew were students of Enrico Fermi.


David Gross:Right.


袁岚峰:So in this sense, he was an academic “uncle” of you.


David Gross:Kind of. Yes.


袁岚峰:So what personal contact did you have with Professor Lee? And how do you think about him?


David Gross:So I've known T.-D. Lee, I guess I met him over 50 years ago. And for many interactions over the years, especially in China. He was, T.-D. Lee was the father of really of elementary particle physics, high energy physics in China.


袁岚峰:Right, right, like BEPC.


David Gross:He was the originator of BEPC and ... But much more than that, he started CUSPEA, the first exchange program of Chinese graduate students who came to the United States. And I know he was a great physicist, of course, but I think he was enormously important for the development of science in China. He really passionately cared about that.


So it was a lot of fun to be with. He was always full of energy and ideas and devotion. And so I get many ... I gave an interview at T.-D. Lee Institute here in Shanghai a few days ago, which was for almost two hours.




David Gross:So I don't have time now to tell you about it, but I enormously admired him, especially for what he did for science in China.


■ 扩展阅读

量子计算的成熟之路 | 袁岚峰




