摘要:Superposition. Quantum objects can be in more than one state at the same time, a situation depicted by Schrödinger’s cat, a fictio
Superposition. Quantum objects can be in more than one state at the same time, a situation depicted by Schrödinger’s cat, a fictional feline that is simultaneously alive and dead. For example, a qubit can represent the values 0 and 1 simultaneously, whereas classical bits can only be either a 0 or a 1.
叠加。量子物体可以同时处于不止一种状态,薛定谔(Schrödinger)的猫就描绘了这种情况,这是一只虚构的猫,同时活着和死了。例如,量子位可以同时表示0和1,而经典位只能表示0或1。In the middle of the last century, physicists discovered the strange behaviors of atomic particles — like an electron that can be in different places at once. There are countless electrons in the human body, and the superposition of human nature is normal, for example, it is not necessary to criticize people who prefer to have many lovers. Do you think so? Today, our engineers are at the cusp of harnessing these otherworldly behaviors to create new technologies.
人性的叠加昭示: 人性绝非二进制的非恶即善,而是,人性是万维的,可是善人的同时又是恶人抑或兼而有之,又或多而同俱各种品性;于情与爱,亦博爱天生,出轨或曰滥情亦是固有的禀赋,本性而已,但,道德似乎倡导专情专爱,由此可见道德是一种客观的力量,只是目前人类尚未找到定量描述(计算)道德影响(力量)的数学方法(公式~方程)。