
B站影视 2024-12-03 18:14 2

摘要:Brain rot(脑腐), 被定义为“指一个人的精神或智力状态出现退化,尤其是因为过度浏览那些过于琐碎或没有意义的低质量内容(尤其是现在的网络内容)所导致的结果。此外,也指那些可能引发这种退化的事物。”

继《柯林斯词典》和《剑桥词典》之后,《牛津词典》终于也公布了自己的年度词汇——brain rot


什么是brain rot


‘Brain rot’ is defined as “the supposed deteriorationof a person’s mental or intellectual state, especially viewed as the result of overconsumptionof material (now particularly online content) considered to be trivial or unchallenging. Also: something characterized as likely to lead to such deterioration”.

Brain rot(脑腐), 被定义为“指一个人的精神或智力状态出现退化,尤其是因为过度浏览那些过于琐碎或没有意义的低质量内容(尤其是现在的网络内容)所导致的结果。此外,也指那些可能引发这种退化的事物。”

Our experts noticed that ‘brain rot’ gained new prominence this year as a term used to capture concerns about the impact of consuming excessiveamounts of low-quality online content, especially on social media. The term increased in usage frequency by 230% between 2023 and 2024.

我们的专家注意到,“ Brain rot(脑腐)”一词今年再次引发关注,主要用来形容人们对过度消费低质量在线内容(尤其是社交媒体内容)影响的担忧。从2023年到2024年,这个词的使用频率激增了230%。

brain rot虽然是今年的年度热词,不过单词本身已经有100多年的历史了。早在1854年,美国著名作家 梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)就在他的著作 《瓦尔登湖》(Walden)里面用上了这个词。

As part of his conclusions, Thoreau criticizes society’s tendency to devalue complex ideas, or those that can be interpreted in multiple ways, in favour of simple ones, and sees this as indicative of a general decline in mental and intellectual effort: “While England endeavours to cure the potato rot, will not any endeavour to cure the brain-rot – which prevails so much more widely and fatally?”


如今170年过去了,人类的 brain rot明显更严重了。这个词从去年开始就在TikTok上面火了起来。很多博主发视频讨论因为上网过多而导致的心智退化现象。还有人总结说,要判断一个人是不是患上了“脑腐”,最简单的方法就是看他会不会在日常交流中大量使用网络流行语。

This content has given rise to emerging ‘brain rot language’—such as ‘skibidi’, meaning something nonsensical, and ‘Ohio’, meaning something embarrassing or weird—which reflects a growing trend of words originating in viral online culture before spreading offline into the ‘real world’.


skibidi toilet( 马桶人头)

如何防治brain rot

brain rot能当选年度词汇,也反映出现在有越来越多人意识到沉迷低质量网络内容的危害。那么问题也随之而来,brain rot怎么治?


Set Limits on Screen Time:Delete distracting apps from your phone. Turn off notifications for news and social media.



Pursue Non-Digital Interests:Go camping. Listen to music. Play an instrument or learn one. Write in a journal. Volunteer for an organization you believe in. Exercise. Practice yoga or meditation. Structure time each day to do things that make you happy and calm.



Connect Offline with Positive People:Developing and nourishing authentic connections with supportive friends, family, and colleagues in person lowers stress and provides a deeper sense of belonging.


brain rot

你觉得自己确诊brain rot了吗?


rot/ rɒt / v/n.腐烂

deterioration/ dɪˌtɪəriəˈreɪʃ(ə)n / n.恶化


nonsensical/ ˌnɒnˈsensɪk(ə)l / adj.无意义的;荒谬的

excessive/ ɪkˈsesɪv/ adj.过多的; 过度的


