UBTECH's Walker S1 Robot prepares for mass rollout in Q2
UBTECH Robotics has taken a major step forward with its Walker S1 humanoid robot completing the first phase of practical training
UBTECH Robotics has taken a major step forward with its Walker S1 humanoid robot completing the first phase of practical training
2023年,优必选人形机器人Walker X就率先走进智慧工厂,进行SPS智能分拣以及老化测试任务的训练,并通过与无人搬运机器人AGV联动,嵌入到高重复、低负载的生产中,助力工厂提升效率及流程灵活性。
人形机器人 walker 人形机器人walker 2025-01-01 19:35 4
多年后,每当在街头偶遇带有“Alan Walker”标志的黑色卫衣时,我总会回想起自己第一次听到《Faded》的那个下午。