第28届 Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖中国区入选名单揭晓!
When Nicky Haslam asked the late Queen Elizabeth II about taste, she shrewdly and with her typical perceptiveness, answered ‘I don
室内设计 martin andrewmartin 2024-12-13 09:31 12
When Nicky Haslam asked the late Queen Elizabeth II about taste, she shrewdly and with her typical perceptiveness, answered ‘I don
室内设计 martin andrewmartin 2024-12-13 09:31 12
英国ANDREW MARTIN国际室内设计大奖于1996年创办于英国伦敦,作为全球最具客观性、公平性以及社会代表性的室内设计奖项至今已经成功举办了28届。多年来,大奖邀请欧美社会各界的杰出代表组成精英级评审团,每年年初从全世界参加赛事的上万份作品中严格评选,近
室内设计 martin andrewmartin 2024-11-20 09:52 6