
B站影视 2024-12-02 16:54 1

摘要:社会、公平与环境 MSc in Culture, Justice, and Environment

管理学 MSc in Management (MiM)

纳米医学与纳米诊断 MRes Nanomedicine and Nanodiagnostics

癌症创新 MRes Cancer Innovation

生物科学未来:交流、创新与创业 MSc Bioscience Futures: Communication, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

清洁技术创新 MSc Cleantech Innovation

环境工程与数据科学 MSc Environmental Engineering with Data Science

岩土工程(海洋可再生能源方向) MSc Geotechnical Engineering with Offshore Renewables

法律与金融学 MSc in Law and Finance

社会、公平与环境 MSc in Culture, Justice, and Environment

创新政策 MSc in Innovation Policy

发展管理专业 MSc in Development Management

发展管理(应用发展经济学) MSc in Development Management (Applied Development Economics)

发展管理(政治经济学)MSc in Development Management (Political Economy)

会计、问责制与可持续发展 MSc Accounting, Accountability and Sustainability

商业数据科学 MSc Data Science for Business

数字商业创新 MA Digital Business Innovation

口译学 MSc Interpreting

全球健康政策 MSc Global Health Policy

冲突解决与和平建设 MSc Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding

数字媒体创新 MA Digital Media Innovation

数字与技术社会 MSc Digital and Technological Society

