2024年11月14日至17日,国际细胞与免疫治疗(CTI)大会在中国杭州盛大举行,汇聚了全球细胞治疗和免疫治疗领域的顶尖专家、学者和行业领袖。此次大会不仅是一个学术交流的国际平台,更是一个展示最新科研成果、推动领域发展的重要窗口。会议期间,《肿瘤瞭望-血液时讯》特别邀请到美国贝勒医学院Leo Luznik教授,与我们分享骨髓浸润性T细胞(MITs)在异基因造血干细胞移植(HSCT)后复发治疗中的最新进展,揭示了MITs在治疗HSCT后复发中的潜力与挑战,并展望了该领域未来的发展方向。现整理成文,以飨读者。
Leo Luznik教授:移植后复发一直以来都是医学界面临的极具挑战性和复杂性的难题,我在会议中报告了关于新型细胞疗法治疗移植后复发的早期数据以及I/II期临床试验结果。我们提出了一种创新性的治疗策略。基于过往生物学研究的坚实基础,我们正积极探索利用这类细胞来预防移植后复发的可能性。同时,我们也在深入剖析这些细胞发挥疗效或治疗失败的具体机制,以期在未来能够更为高效地应用这些细胞疗法,为患者带来更为显著的治疗效果。
Oncology Frontier-Hematology Frontier:What is the role of marrow infiltrating T cells in the treatment of relapse after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)?
Dr.Leo Luznik:This is the early data or phase one/two study of a new cellular therapy trying to treat relapse post transplantation, which is a very challenging and difficult medical problem. So this is an innovative strategy. What we try to conduct , based on previous biological to understand can we use these cells to prevent relapse. And why do they work, or why did they fail, and how we can use them in a better way in the future.
Leo Luznik教授:尽管新型细胞疗法展现出诸多显著的优势,但其高昂的成本仍是当前面临的主要挑战之一。这些疗法往往涉及复杂的基因调控和细胞培养过程,这无疑给支付方及患者带来了沉重的经济压力。我们的初衷是研发一种成本相对低廉的疗法,旨在实现快速起效,同时减少高昂费用及繁琐的监管审批流程,因为该疗法无需进行基因编辑或基因治疗。这样一来,我们便能更迅速地为患者提供治疗选择,并且,一旦该疗法验证有效,它最终将能够造福于那些来自欠发达或经济不富裕国家及支付体系受限的患者群体。
Oncology Frontier-Hematology Frontier:what unique advantages have marrow infiltrating T cells demonstrated compared to other therapies in treating relapse after HSCT?
Dr.Leo Luznik:One of the main challenges, despite the many good things of new cell therapies, are the cost. Did they acquire extensive gene modulation and growth, which carries substantial burden to the payers or the patients. While our idea was to develop something that is relatively inexpensive, allowing quick turnaround without much cost and without much regulatory oversight, because it does not require gene editing or gene therapy. We can provide it quicker to the patients, which, ultimately, if it ever works, can help patients outside of the more advanced or rich countries and payer systems.
Leo Luznik教授:我们通常会将复发划分为早期复发与晚期复发两大类别。遗憾的是,早期复发的患者往往面临最为严峻的预后挑战。这主要是因为,在移植后的早期阶段若发生复发,由于生物学特性的复杂性和当前新技术的局限性,我们目前仅能在移植后至少六个月或一年的患者群体中开展相关研究。然而,这引出了一个值得深思的问题:我们是否有能力将这些骨髓浸润性T细胞应用于早期复发的治疗之中?更进一步,我们是否具备预防复发的潜力?在我看来,这些都是极具探索价值的生物学课题,也是我们接下来需要深入研究的重点。因此,我们团队开展的研究核心在于晚期复发的相关领域。
Oncology Frontier-Hematology Frontier:Are there differences in the effectiveness of marrow infiltrating T cells treatment among patients with different types of HSCT relapse? If so, what are the main aspects of these differences?
Dr.Leo Luznik:We usually divide relapses into early relapse and late relapse. Unfortunately, early relapse has the worst outcome because if you relapse early after transplant, just because of the biology and new technologies, we tested these only in patients who have a late relapse, meaning more than six months or a year post-transplant. versus there is a whole other question: can we use these cells to the early relapse? And can we also prevent relapse? I think these are interesting biological questions that we want to look next. This is the difference in what we have done in this study—we have focused on late relapse.
The first thing we are trying still to complete biological studies, because it's always important when you do something, when you do it in a patient to understanding how it works biologically.The next question is how we can grow these cells better so we can achieve better product. And then it might even come to the question: do we need to do some additional modifications, even genetic modification, to make them as a more potent or more sustainable therapy? But this was just a very early phase I/II data to test some new concepts and learn about the biology in patients who are relapsing after hematopoietic transplantation.
通过Leo Luznik教授的精彩分享,我们不仅对骨髓浸润性T细胞在异基因造血干细胞移植后复发治疗中的现状有了更深入的了解,也对该领域的未来发展充满了期待。相信在不久的将来,随着研究的不断深入和技术的持续进步,骨髓浸润性T细胞将为更多HSCT后复发的患者带来新的治疗希望。