
B站影视 2024-12-02 16:20 2

摘要:Binary search, also known as binary search, is an efficient algorithm for finding a specific element in a sorted array. The index




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Dear, this is the LearingYard Academy!

Today, Swimming in the sea of algorithms (1) - Binary search ,welcome to visit!


1. Understanding


Binary search, also known as binary search, is an efficient algorithm for finding a specific element in a sorted array. The index of the target value is locked by constantly approaching the median value of the target, and its unique retrieval method makes the search of data more convenient and fast.

二、 效果

2. Effect


I picked a picture from the Internet to facilitate everyone's understanding. The above is binary search, and the following is traversal search. The computer is so fast that all the steps to compute left, right, and middle are ignored, and it takes a relatively long time to get the index from the array, so the process of getting the value is counted as one step. For comparison, binary search takes only three steps, while traversal search takes 11.

三、 实现

3. Implementation


The number 704 in the force buckle is a question about binary search.


We're going to write a public function under the Solution class, the binary search function. Arguments have an array of integers and a target value. At the heart of binary search is the median value, or nums[middle]. Finding the median requires determining the interval, so there are two more parameters, left and right. These two parameters determine the search range and median. The initial range is the entire array.


By continuously narrowing the interval, the median value keeps approaching the target value. Let's look at the inside of the loop. Once through the loop, the interval shrinks once, and the median approaches once. Narrow the interval once: determine the relationship between the median value and the target value, and choose to change the left or right. Median approximation once: At the beginning or end of the loop, the median is modified. But since middle is initialized to 0, it has to be placed first in the loop.


Then, the purpose of while is to break out of the loop and return -1 when the binary search is complete and no binary search is found. Why? Suppose there is only one element left in the final range, in which case left, middle, and right are all the same value, and that element is not the target value. So what happens? Add one to the left or subtract one from the right. Now left is not less than or equal to right, which means we're done looking and we didn't find it.


The final run is also easy to pass.

class Solution {public:int search(vector& nums, int target) {int left = 0;int right = size(nums) - 1;int middle = 0;while(left target){right = middle - 1;}else if(nums[middle]






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