摘要:▶ 中文:【哈佛大学周一宣布,从2025-26学年开始,对于年收入在20万美元或以下的家庭的学生,学费将全免。】
▶ 英国BBC: US tornadoes, wildfires and dust storms leave 40 dead and 'staggering' damage
▶ 中文:【美国龙卷风、野火和沙尘暴造成 40 人死亡和“惊人”破坏】
▶ 英国BBC: Death toll from US strikes on Yemen rises to 53, Houthis say
▶ 中文:【胡塞武装组织称,美国对也门的袭击造成的死亡人数已升至 53 人】
▶ 华尔街日报: President Trump said he plans to speak with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday as the U.S. pushes to end the war in Ukraine
▶ 中文:【特朗普总统表示,美国正在推动结束乌克兰战争,计划在周二与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京对话。】
▶ 卡塔尔半岛电视台: Yemen’s Houthis have said they will respond to US strikes on Yemen by escalating their attacks.
▶ 中文:【也门胡塞武装组织表示将加大袭击力度,对美国袭击也门予以回应。】
▶ 英国BBC: British tourist missing after Thailand boat fire
▶ 中文:【泰国游船火灾后英国游客失踪】
▶ 美国CNN: US retail sales were weaker than expected last month, adding to concerns that America's economy is slowing and may be headed to a recession
▶ 中文:【上个月美国零售销售数据低于预期,增加了对美国经济增长放缓的担忧,甚至可能陷入衰退境地】
▶ 美国ABC: NEW: Harvard University on Monday announced that tuition will be free for students from families with annual incomes of $200,000 or less starting in the 2025-26 academic year.
▶ 中文:【哈佛大学周一宣布,从2025-26学年开始,对于年收入在20万美元或以下的家庭的学生,学费将全免。】
▶ 华尔街日报: Canada is ready to talk with the U.S. about the two countries’ economic and security ties but not until the Trump administration ceases referring to its northern neighbor as the 51st state, Prime Minister Mark Carney said
▶ 中文:【加拿大总理马克·卡尼表示,加拿大已准备好与美国就两国经济和安全关系进行谈判,但前提是特朗普政府必须停止称加拿大为第 51 个州。】
▶ 美国ABC: The wing of a Delta plane struck the runway as it was coming in for a landing at LaGuardia Airport on Sunday evening, according to the FAA.
▶ 中文:【据FAA称,周日晚间一架达美航空公司的飞机在拉瓜迪亚机场着陆时,机翼碰到了跑道。】
▶ 英国BBC: Peace deal must bar Ukraine from Nato, Russian official says
▶ 中文:【俄罗斯官员称和平协议必须禁止乌克兰加入北约】
▶ 英国BBC: Canada's Carney makes statement by choosing Europe, not US, for first foreign trip, writes
▶ 中文:【加拿大总理卡尼首次出访选择欧洲而非美国,对此撰写报道时指出】
▶ 德国DW News: A 46-year-old woman has suffered life-threatening injuries after a man poured a flammable liquid on her and set her alight in Germany's eastern city of Gera. The attacker, who police say may be her husband, managed to escape.
▶ 中文:【在德国东部城市格拉,一名男子朝一名46岁的女性泼洒易燃液体并将其点燃,这名女子遭受了危及生命的伤势。警方称袭击者可能是其丈夫,现已成功逃脱。】