摘要:浙江德清@德清发布 这座充满活力的县域,凭借便捷高效的特色医疗服务,成功“圈粉”众多外籍人士。来自澳大利亚的David两次跨洋赴浙江德清就医。首次术后返回到澳大利亚后,出于对德清医疗的高度信任,David专程返华接受手术,并主动提出结合中医疗法,体验“中西医结
【澳洲小哥打飞的来中国县城看病?德清医疗实力出圈!】浙江德清@德清发布 这座充满活力的县域,凭借便捷高效的特色医疗服务,成功“圈粉”众多外籍人士。来自澳大利亚的David两次跨洋赴浙江德清就医。首次术后返回到澳大利亚后,出于对德清医疗的高度信任,David专程返华接受手术,并主动提出结合中医疗法,体验“中西医结合”特色诊疗。戳视频,一起了解中国县域医疗如何通过创新与服务,赢得国际认可,展现新时代的医疗魅力!Zhejiang Deqing, a dynamic county, has become a favorite among expats thanks to its efficient and accessible medical services. Take David, an Australian, for example, even after returning to Australia, he was so impressed by Deqing's healthcare that he flew back for surgery and specifically requested traditional Chinese medicine as part of his treatment. Watch the video to see how Deqing's innovative approach to healthcare is earning global recognition and showcasing the exciting progress of China's medical sector!