
B站影视 内地电影 2025-03-10 21:52 1


#真财实料#【我在蒙顶山记录“第一背篓茶”】你喝过蒙顶甘露吗?每年春天,四川省雅安市蒙顶山的第一批“明前茶”是茶农们的“黄金叶”,也是四川乃至全国春茶交易开始的信号。根据史料记载,2000多年前,茶祖吴理真在蒙顶山种下第一批人工茶树。如今,茶山下39万亩生态茶园种出身价不菲的蒙顶甘露。“第一背篓茶”的背后有哪些故事?本期《真财实料》,跟随记者徐一的镜头,变身蒙顶山茶农,在浓浓茶香里探寻小背篓如何成为乡野间的致富密码。Have you ever sipped green tea from Mengding Mountain? It is one of the most expensive green teas in China. As one of the nation's earliest and most prominent spring tea cultivation areas, the region's annual spring tea harvest acts as a seasonal alarm clock, "announcing" nature's renewal across China.In this episode of BizFocus, join CGTN's Xu Yi for a day with local tea growers and discover the stories that unfold in these misty highland plantations.

