桥渐近,理智渐醒 /Bridge Near, Logic Awakens

B站影视 内地电影 2025-03-10 18:41 1

摘要:The bridge was getting closer and so was logic. Sanity had started penetrating her enthusiasm. The question of "how should I do it


The bridge was getting closer and so was logic. Sanity had started penetrating her enthusiasm. The question of "how should I do it?" turned into "why should I do it?" The eclipse of her memories had started declining. She could see the bridge now. She stopped the car a hundred yards away from the bridge.




The bridge / 那座桥

was getting closer / 正变得接近

and / 而

so was logic / 同样接近的是逻辑

Sanity / 理智

had started penetrating / 已开始穿透

her enthusiasm / 她的热情

The question / 那个问题

of "how should I do it?" / 关于"我该如何做这件事?"

turned into / 转变成

"why should I do it?" / "我为什么要做这件事?"

The eclipse / 那遮蔽

of her memories / 属于她记忆的

had started declining / 已开始消退

She / 她

could see / 能够看见

the bridge / 那座桥

now / 现在

She / 她

stopped / 停下

the car / 那辆车

a hundred yards / 一百码

away from the bridge / 离那座桥的地方


1. 每个斜杠"/"表示一个完整语义单元

2. 中文翻译严格保持英语原句的语序

3. 名词短语、动词短语、介词短语等自然组块被完整保留

4. 功能词(冠词、介词、连词)单独成块以强化语法意识

5. 引号内的直接引语作为整体语块处理


