摘要:One day, a troubled young man came to the old man, saying, "I feel lost. I don’t know who I am anymore. How can I find peace?"
A wise old man lived in a peaceful village at the foot of a mountain. People from all over the world came to him for advice.
One day, a troubled young man came to the old man, saying, "I feel lost. I don’t know who I am anymore. How can I find peace?"
The old man looked at him and replied, "To find peace, you must first reconcile with yourself. Accept who you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses."
The young man asked, "But how can I accept my flaws?"
The old man smiled gently and said, "By understanding that flaws are part of being human. They make you unique, and they can be your greatest teachers."
The young man took a deep breath and realized that only when he stopped fighting against himself could he find the peace he longed for.
Philosophy: "True peace comes when we accept ourselves completely, flaws and all."