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英汉双语阅读92:海豚与鼠海豚——海洋 “撞脸” 难题



从西格蒙德・弗洛伊德提出梦是愿望的满足,让我们有机会在虚幻中实现现实里无法达成的渴望,到卡尔・荣格认为梦是心灵的直接表达,用独特的象征语言诉说着潜意识的秘密。还有 REM 睡眠的发现带来的激活-整合理论,竟宣称梦只是大脑正常活动的意外产物,毫无内在意义。而芬兰心理学家安蒂・雷冯索的威胁模拟理论更是别具一格,提出梦是为了让我们提前演练应对危险,是进化赋予的生存技能。


Four theories of dreams



1. psychoanalyst /ˌsaɪkoʊˈænəlɪst/ n. 精神分析学家

2. wish-fulfillment /ˈwɪʃ fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ n. 愿望实现

3. traumatic /trɔːˈmætɪk/ adj. (adjective) 创伤性的;痛苦难忘的

4. conjecture /kənˈdʒektʃə(r)/ n. 推测;猜想

5. manifestation /ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃn/ n. 表现;显示;示威运动

6. contemporary /kənˈtemprəri/ n. 同代人;同时期的东西 adj. 当代的;同时代的

7. disguise /dɪsˈɡaɪz/ v./n. 掩饰;伪装

8. metaphor /ˈmetəfə(r)/ n. 暗喻;隐喻

9. archetype /ˈɑːkitaɪp/ n. 原型;典型

10. intrinsic /ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk/ adj. 本质的;固有的

11. compensate /ˈkɒmpenseɪt/ v. 补偿,赔偿;抵消;弥补(缺陷、损失等)

12. prospective /prəˈspektɪv/ adj. 未来的;预期的

13. electroencephalogram /ɪˌlektrəʊɪnˈsefələɡræm/ n. 脑电图;脑动电流图

14. simulation /ˌsɪmjuˈleɪʃn/ n. 模拟;仿真

15. amygdala /əˈmɪɡdələ/ n. 杏仁核(大脑中的一个区域)


Sigmund Freud and Wish-Fulfillment

The famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud was the first to suggest that dreams may serve a particular scientific purpose. He came to believe that dreams were often a form of wish-fulfillment, the American Psychoanalytic Association says. In a dream, a subject could act out desires he or she could not fulfill in waking life. Some types of dreams, however, proved problematic within this model, such as dreams involving punishment or traumatic events. These led Freud to believe that dreams sometimes served as a way for patients to express guilt or conquer trauma. All these conjectures played into Freud’s overall (and revolutionary) theory of dreams: that they were manifestations of unconscious workings of the brain.

Carl Jung: Dreams as Direct Mental Expressions

Although Freud and Carl Jung were contemporaries, they disagreed strongly (and famously) about the nature of dreams. Freud believed that dreams, by nature, disguised their meaning. In contrast, Jung believed that dreams were actually direct expressions of the mind itself. Dreams, he thought, expressed an individual’s unconscious state through a language of symbols and metaphors. This “language” was natural to the unconscious state, but difficult to understand because it varied so much from waking language. Notably, Jung also believed that universal archetypes (or images) intrinsic to all human consciousness existed within this language. He believed that dreams served two functions: to compensate for imbalances in the dreamers’ psyche, and to provide prospective images of the future, which allowed the dreamer to anticipate future events.

REM and Activation-Synthesis

Yet another theory arose with the discovery of REM. The Activation-Synthesis theory was conceived by Harvard professors Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley in the 1970s, explains Joe Griffin of the Human Givens Institute. Hobson and McCarley discovered that during REM sleep, electrical signals called electroencephalogram recordings, or EEGs, pass through the brain. They theorized that the brain naturally reacted by attempting to make sense of the random stimulus. Thus, dreams had no intrinsic meaning; they were just a side effect of the brain’s normal activity. While this theory was revolutionary at the time, the continual advancement of technology has led to tremendous revision of this theory.

Threat Simulation Theory

Finnish psychologist Antti Revonsuo is one of the latest researchers to suggest a convincing theory about the function of dreams. Revonsuo found that during REM sleep, the amygdala (the fight-or-flight section of the brain) actually fires in similar ways as it does during a survival threat. “The primary function of negative dreams,” he explains, “is rehearsal for similar real events, so that threat recognition and avoidance happens faster and more automatically in comparable real situations.” In other words, dreams are an evolutionary trait designed to help us practice being safe.


1. Sigmund Freud:西格蒙德・弗洛伊德,奥地利神经学家、精神分析学派创始人。他的理论对心理学、哲学、文学等多个领域产生了深远影响,提出了潜意识、本我、自我、超我等重要概念。

2. wish-fulfillment:愿望实现,弗洛伊德梦的理论核心概念之一,指梦是人们潜意识中未被满足的愿望的一种表达方式,通过梦境来实现现实中无法达成的愿望。

3. American Psychoanalytic Association:美国精神分析协会,致力于精神分析理论研究、教育和推广的专业组织,在精神分析领域具有权威性。

4. Carl Jung:卡尔・荣格,瑞士心理学家,分析心理学的创立者。他与弗洛伊德曾有过密切合作,后因观点分歧而分道扬镳,他提出了集体无意识、原型等独特概念。

5. universal archetypes:普遍原型,荣格提出的概念,指在人类集体无意识中存在的一些原始意象,如母亲原型、英雄原型等,这些原型是人类共有的,在梦境和神话等中以象征的形式反复出现。

6. REM:即Rapid Eye Movement,快速眼动期,睡眠的一个阶段,此阶段眼球快速转动,脑电波活跃,梦境通常在此阶段出现。

7. Allan Hobson和Robert McCarley:阿伦·霍布森和罗伯特·麦卡利,哈佛大学教授,他们提出的激活-整合理论(Activation - Synthesis theory)在梦的研究领域具有重要意义,改变了人们对梦的传统认知。

8. electroencephalogram(EEG):脑电图,通过精密的电子仪器,从头皮上将脑部的自发性生物电位加以放大记录而获得的图形,可用于检测大脑功能状态。

9. Human Givens Institute:人类基本需要研究院,一个心理学研究机构,致力于从人类基本需求的角度来理解人类行为和心理,Joe Griffin(乔·格里芬)对激活-整合理论的解释传播起到一定作用。

10. Antti Revonsuo:安蒂·雷冯索,芬兰心理学家,他的威胁模拟理论(Threat Simulation Theory)从进化的角度为梦的功能提供了新的解释,强调梦对人类生存的意义。

11. amygdala:杏仁核,大脑边缘系统的一部分,主要负责处理情绪和情感反应,尤其是恐惧和焦虑等情绪,在威胁模拟理论中起着关键作用。

12. negative dreams:负面梦境,包含恐惧、焦虑、悲伤等负面情绪体验的梦境,威胁模拟理论认为其主要功能是对现实中的威胁进行预演,以提升个体在真实威胁情境下的应对能力。


【Translated by】Spark Liao (廖怀宝)

【Illustration】From Bing

