Clivia (君子兰)

B站影视 2024-11-27 18:01 5

摘要:Clividia is a perennial herb of Clividia genus of lycoris family. Its plants are elegant and beautiful, its leaves are like swords

Clividia is a perennial herb of Clividia genus of lycoris family. Its plants are elegant and beautiful, its leaves are like swords, its flowers are bright like fire, and its fruits are round and lovely, which are of great ornamental value and are loved by flower


Native to southern South Africa, the Clivia prefers semi-shaded and humid environments and is afraid of strong direct sunlight. It is suitable for growing in the temperature range of 15-25 ° C, and can thrive in loose fertile soil with good drainage, such as humus rich soil such as leaf rot soil and pine needle soil.

君子兰原产于南非南部,喜欢半阴且湿润的环境,惧怕强烈的直射阳光。它适宜生长在 15 - 25℃的温度范围内,在疏松肥沃、排水性良好的土壤中能茁壮成长,例如腐叶土、松针土等富含腐殖质的土壤。

The leaves are thick, broad and green all year round. The stem is drawn from the axillary of the leaves, and the flowers are shaped like funnels, most of which are orange-red or yellow in color. The flowers usually bloom in winter and spring, adding a bright touch of color to the cold season. Its fruit is a berry and is red when ripe.


In the maintenance of Clivia, watering should be appropriate, follow the "see dry see wet" principle, to avoid water caused by rot. In terms of fertilization, applying thin liquid fertilizer every 1-2 weeks in the growing season and increasing phosphate and potassium fertilizer before flowering can promote flower bud differentiation. Every 1-2 years, you need to change the pot, replace the new culture soil and trim the roots, so that the plant can maintain good growth.

在养护君子兰时,浇水要适量,遵循“见干见湿”原则,避免积水导致烂根。施肥方面,在生长季节每隔 1 - 2 周施一次稀薄的液肥,花期前增施磷钾肥可促进花芽分化。君子兰每隔 1 - 2 年需要换盆一次,更换新的培养土并修剪根系,能让植株保持良好的生长状态。

Kachilan can not only beautify the home environment, but also has the effect of purifying the air, it can absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, absorb dust, effectively improve indoor air quality, and create a more healthy and comfortable living space for people.


