
B站影视 2024-11-23 08:45 6



形式主语句型结构:It + be + 形容词/名词短语 + 不定式(to do sth.)/动名词(doing sth.)/从句



1. It is important to learn English well.(学好英语很重要。)

2. It is difficult to solve this problem.(解决这个问题很难。)

3. It is necessary to have a good rest.(好好休息是必要的。)

4. It is a great pleasure to talk with you.(和你交谈是极大的乐趣。)

5. It is an honor to be invited to the party.(被邀请参加派对是一种荣幸。)

6. It is easy to make mistakes when you are in a hurry.(匆忙时很容易犯错。)

7. It is kind of you to help me.(你帮助我真好。)

8. It is interesting to read this novel.(读这本小说很有趣。)

9. It is boring to do the same thing every day.(每天做同样的事很无聊。)

10. It is dangerous to swim in the deep river.(在深河里游泳很危险。)

11. It is exciting to watch a football match.(看足球比赛很激动人心。)

12. It is a pity that you can't come.(你不能来真是遗憾。)

13. It is said that he is a famous singer.(据说他是一位著名歌手。)

14. It seems that they have known each other for a long time.(似乎他们已经认识很久了。)

15. It is reported that a new school will be built here.(据报道这里将建一所新学校。)

16. It is no use crying over spilt milk.(覆水难收,哭也没用。)

17. It is no good smoking too much.(吸烟太多没好处。)

18. It takes me an hour to get to school.(我到学校要花一个小时。)

19. It costs a lot of money to buy a new car.(买一辆新车要花很多钱。)

20. It is my dream to travel around the world.(环游世界是我的梦想。)

21. It is a challenge to climb that mountain.(攀登那座山是个挑战。)

22. It is a waste of time watching TV all day.(整天看电视是浪费时间。)

23. It is a fact that the earth moves around the sun.(地球绕着太阳转是事实。)

24. It is a mystery why he left so suddenly.(他为何突然离开是个谜。)

25. It is a shame that you missed the concert.(你错过了音乐会真可惜。)

26. It is hard to believe that he has passed the exam.(很难相信他通过了考试。)

27. It is obvious that he is lying.(很明显他在说谎。)

28. It is certain that we will win the game.(我们肯定会赢得比赛。)

29. It is a good idea to go for a walk after dinner.(饭后散步是个好主意。)

30. It is a bad habit to stay up late.(熬夜是个坏习惯。)

31. It is a relief to hear the good news.(听到好消息松了一口气。)

32. It is a coincidence that we met here.(我们在这里相遇是巧合。)

33. It is a wonder that he can speak so many languages.(他能说这么多种语言真是奇迹。)

34. It is a trend to use renewable energy.(使用可再生能源是一种趋势。)

35. It is a struggle to get up early in the winter.(冬天早起是件难事。)

36. It is a goal to achieve peace in the world.(实现世界和平是一个目标。)

37. It is a responsibility to take care of the environment.(保护环境是一种责任。)

38. It is a privilege to study in this university.(在这所大学学习是一种特权。)

39. It is a tradition to celebrate the festival.(庆祝这个节日是一种传统。)

40. It is a routine to check the emails every morning.(每天早上查看邮件是例行公事。)

41. It is a talent to play the piano so well.(钢琴弹得这么好是一种天赋。)

42. It is a feature of this city to have many historical buildings.(这座城市有很多历史建筑是其特色。)

43. It is a characteristic of the animal to be very shy.(这种动物很害羞是其特性。)

44. It is a condition to pass the physical examination.(通过体检是一个条件。)

45. It is a strategy to develop new products.(开发新产品是一种策略。)

46. It is a principle to be honest and trustworthy.(诚实守信是一个原则。)

47. It is a standard to meet the customers' needs.(满足客户需求是一个标准。)

48. It is a task to clean the classroom.(打扫教室是一项任务。)

49. It is a project to build a bridge over the river.(在河上建一座桥是一个项目。)

50. It is a step to improve our relationship.(改善我们的关系是一个步骤。)


1. 每天坚持锻炼是有益健康的。(It is beneficial to health to exercise every day.)

2. 学好数学对很多专业来说是很关键的。(It is crucial for many majors to learn math well.)

3. 解决交通拥堵问题是城市发展的当务之急。(It is an urgent task for urban development to solve the traffic congestion problem.)

4. 有一个和睦的家庭是幸福的源泉。(It is the source of happiness to have a harmonious family.)

5. 能在这样的环境中工作是幸运的。(It is lucky to be able to work in such an environment.)

6. 理解他人的感受并不容易。(It is not easy to understand others' feelings.)

7. 你能来参加会议真是太好了。(It is very nice of you to come to the meeting.)

8. 读历史书可以增长见识。(It can broaden one's horizons to read history books.)

9. 独自旅行是一种勇敢的尝试。(It is a brave attempt to travel alone.)

10. 沉迷于网络游戏是有害的。(It is harmful to be addicted to online games.)

11. 观看艺术展览能提升审美。(It can improve aesthetic taste to watch art exhibitions.)

12. 他没能按时完成任务真是遗憾。(It is a pity that he failed to complete the task on time.)

13. 据说那里的风景很美。(It is said that the scenery there is very beautiful.)

14. 似乎明天会下雨。(It seems that it will rain tomorrow.)

15. 据报道有很多人参加了这次活动。(It is reported that many people participated in this activity.)

16. 后悔过去的错误是没有用的。(It is useless to regret past mistakes.)

17. 过度饮食对身体没好处。(It is no good for health to overeat.)

18. 我完成这项工作花了三天时间。(It took me three days to finish this work.)

19. 买一套房子需要很多钱。(It costs a lot of money to buy a house.)

20. 成为一名优秀的教师是我的理想。(It is my ideal to become an excellent teacher.)

21. 攀登高峰需要很大的勇气。(It requires great courage to climb high mountains.)

22. 整天无所事事是在浪费生命。(It is a waste of life to do nothing all day.)

23. 地球是圆的这是常识。(It is common knowledge that the earth is round.)

24. 他为什么这么做还是个未知数。(It is an unknown why he did this.)

25. 你失去了这次机会真可惜。(It is a shame that you missed this opportunity.)

26. 很难想象他经历了什么。(It is hard to imagine what he has experienced.)

27. 很明显她很开心。(It is obvious that she is very happy.)

28. 我们肯定会取得进步。(It is certain that we will make progress.)

29. 早起读书是个好习惯。(It is a good habit to get up early and read.)

30. 拖延是个不好的行为。(It is a bad behavior to procrastinate.)

31. 听到他康复的消息让人宽慰。(It is a relief to hear that he has recovered.)

32. 我们在同一地方出生是缘分。(It is a fate that we were born in the same place.)

33. 他能记住这么多细节真是神奇。(It is amazing that he can remember so many details.)

34. 绿色出行是一种时尚。(It is a fashion to travel in a green way.)

35. 冬天早起锻炼是个挑战。(It is a challenge to get up early and exercise in winter.)

36. 实现个人价值是很多人的追求。(It is the pursuit of many people to realize personal value.)

37. 尊重他人是一种美德。(It is a virtue to respect others.)

38. 能进入这所名校是一种荣耀。(It is an honor to enter this famous school.)

39. 庆祝新年是世界各地的传统。(It is a tradition around the world to celebrate the New Year.)

40. 每天写日记是自我提升的一种方式。(It is a way of self-improvement to write a diary every day.)

41. 能说多种方言是一种能力。(It is an ability to speak multiple dialects.)

42. 这座小镇有古老的城墙是其魅力所在。(It is the charm of this small town to have ancient city walls.)

43. 这种植物适应能力强是其特点。(It is a characteristic of this plant to have strong adaptability.)

44. 通过面试是获得这份工作的前提。(It is a prerequisite to pass the interview to get this job.)

45. 制定合理计划是成功的关键。(It is the key to success to make a reasonable plan.)

46. 诚实守信是做人的基本准则。(It is a basic principle of being a person to be honest and trustworthy.)

47. 达到行业标准才能进入市场。(It is a requirement to meet industry standards to enter the market.)

48. 打扫卫生是保持环境整洁的手段。(It is a means to keep the environment clean to do cleaning.)

49. 修建地铁是改善交通的大工程。(It is a major project to build a subway to improve traffic.)

50. 增进友谊需要双方共同努力。(It requires joint efforts of both sides to enhance friendship.)

