前NBA球员香珀特近日参加了沙奎尔-奥尼尔的The Big Podcast播客节目。
(香珀特原文部分:"The person that ruined all of this was Bron," Shumpert said. "... It's like (Michael Jordan). If Mike would have made it okay for y'all to just be like, 'Yeah, I'm leaving this team, and I'm going to another 'cause I don't like what the owners are saying'—if Mike would have did that, there would have been no loyalty.
"'Cause we all, quote-unquote, wanted to be like Mike, right?" Shumpert continued. "... I felt like Bron was the guy that did it. I felt like when Bron made it okay for people to team up, it stopped making the star player have to come back with something added to their game.")