
B站影视 2024-11-21 06:32 2

摘要:审稿专家:张洪涛(笔名一节生姜)美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院病理及实验医药系研究副教授参考文献[1]Haze, S., et al., 2-Nonenal Newly Found in Human Body Odor Tends to Increase with

原创 腾讯医典很多人都有这样的感受:每次去老人家里,总感觉有一种怪味。在老人多的地方,也会有些味道。这股味道,好像是老人身上特有的。可老人自己却一点都闻不到……其实,“老人味”并不是你想多了,而是真的有。审稿专家:张洪涛(笔名一节生姜)美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院病理及实验医药系研究副教授参考文献[1]Haze, S., et al., 2-Nonenal Newly Found in Human Body Odor Tends to Increase with Aging. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2001. 116(4): p. 520-524.[2]Minh, T.D.C., D.R. Blake, and P.R. Galassetti, The clinical potential of exhaled breath analysis for diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2012. 97(2): p. 195-205.[3]Davies, S.J., P. Španěl, and D. Smith, Breath analysis of ammonia, volatile organic compounds and deuterated water vapor in chronic kidney disease and during dialysis. Bioanalysis, 2014. 6(6): p. 843-857.[4]Rosenberg, M., T. Knaan, and D. Cohen, Association among Bad Breath, Body Mass Index, and Alcohol Intake. Journal of Dental Research, 2007. 86(10): p. 997-1000.[5]Wu, J., et al., Halitosis: prevalence, risk factors, sources, measurement and treatment – a review of the literature. Australian Dental Journal, 2020. 65(1): p. 4-11.[6]Schiffman, S.S., Taste and Smell Losses in Normal Aging and Disease. JAMA, 1997. 278(16): p. 1357-1362.[7]世界卫生组织,65岁及以上成年人的身体活动建议. https://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/factsheet_olderadults/zh/[8]世界卫生组织,何谓中等强度和高强度的身体活动? https://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/physical_activity_intensity/zh/*腾讯医典内容团队出品

